It is time to assign placements to get your League year started! Please review the lists below which describes why it’s important to assign your placements, how to assign positions to your Members and how to get help.
Why it’s Important to Assign Placements
- AJLI uses placement information to contact League Leadership regarding Association business, and League services and initiatives.
- Your League will have a history of leadership and placements assignments. The placement information appears in your portal’s member directory, allowing members to know who has been assigned positions, and who to contact.
- Your League leadership appear in the JL Directory on the AJLI member website, allowing Leagues to network based on League roles and responsibilities.
- Other tools in your Member Essentials portal use placement assignments to provide additional functionality.
- If you have Member Essentials Plus, you can configure your committees and position groups as GroupShare groups. GroupShare is a collaboration tool for your committees where Members can share files, post discussions, create events and more!
How to Assign Placement Positions to Members
- Position Manager - Step by Step
- All tutorials related to the Position Manager can be found here
- Getting Started with GroupShare (ME Plus)
How to Get Help
- Email: [email protected]
- Support Portal – https://support.jl.org
- Book a Training
Also, please review League Year Transition: Getting Ready for the New League Year for other tasks that will be helpful to prepare your Member Portal.
Member Essentials Support Team