For partial scholarships, you can create a dues definition at a reduced rate or set up a Simple Store page to pay a partial amount, and then use the dues adjustment feature to apply the credit.

Required Access:

You will need the Dues Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to Go:

  • From the Member Portal, go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Go to Dues Management 

Create a Reduced Dues Definition:

  1. On the Dues Definition Listing page, create a dues definition at a reduced rate such as $50.
  2. Go to Status Management and create a local status such as Active Scholar - Partial.
  3. Go back to Dues Management and find the Membership Dues Requirement page. 
  4. Fill out the Amount Due or the full amount of dues owed in Membership Dues Requirement for Actives such as $150.
  5. Go to the Dues Status Listing page and assign the new local status you created to the new partial dues definition.
  6. Assign the local status you just created to the Members you are offering a discount to, either through their Profile or Status Mass Assign.
  7. After the statuses have been assigned, they can pay their discounted dues through the Membership Dues Requirement section on the homepage or send them a link to pay dues.
  8. When they pay, they will see the option to pay for the discounted rate.

Applying the Dues Adjustment:

  1. After the Member has paid, go back to Admin > Member Management > Dues Management
  2. Go to Dues Collection and find her name.
  3. To verify that she's paid, look at the Paid column.
    • The Amount Paid should be equal or greater than the Dues Requirement, depending on if she chose add-ons.
  4. Click on the "+" icon to get the popup to make the adjustment. 
  5. Enter the Adjustment Amount that will cover the rest of the total amount.
    • For example, if the total dues owed for Actives is $150, you can enter $100 to fulfill her membership dues requirement.

  6. There is an optional Note field if needed.
  7. Take note of the error message: Once an Adjustment has been issued, the Member can no longer make a payment online. If a member will be paying a partial amount, wait until the member makes her payment and then issue the adjustment(s).
  8. Click Add Adjustment to apply the credit. 

  9. You will see the Adjustments made and the Total Paid/Adjustments in Dues Collection.