To learn more about configuring and running the Genetic Algorithm to automatically place Members, go to this page: Configuring and Running the Genetic Algorithm
To place Members who have completed all six steps of Placement Matching:
- After you have completed configuring the Genetic Algorithm, go to Admin > Position Manager > Placement Matching Assignment
- Filter by Position Choices to see which members have completed Placement Matching. They will have positions listed under this column. To filter, type the keyword on the field and click enter to see who has a placement. For example, if you type in "member" and click enter, you will see all the positions with the word "member".
- For advanced filter options, click on the 3 dots next to the field. You can choose from: Contains, Does not contain, Empty (Null), Not Empty (Not Null), Starts with, Ends with, Exactly Equals, Does Not Exactly Equal
- In this example, we chose Contains, typed "member" as our keyword and used Apply Filter to find our position choices.
- For advanced filter options, click on the 3 dots next to the field. You can choose from: Contains, Does not contain, Empty (Null), Not Empty (Not Null), Starts with, Ends with, Exactly Equals, Does Not Exactly Equal
- Click the + icon in the "Assigned Positions" column
- Select the intended position from the dropdown below, then click Save
To manually place Members who have not completed Placement Matching, please refer to the steps below:
1. Use the Placement Assignment - Future Positions report to identify Members that have not gone through Placement Matching, but still require a report for the upcoming League year. In this report, you will have the ability to filter by Membership status (Active, Sustainer, Provisional)
- To access this report, go to Admin > Member Management > Query Tool and search for the name of the report. (Required Access: Query Administrator or full Administrator access)
2. Use the Placement Matching Choices screen to filter by the members identified with the report above, and add a placement to their profile by clicking the + sign
3. If you prefer, use the Position Assignment Tools listed below:
- Assigning & Editing Position Assignments from the Profile
- Mass Assigning Positions
- Assigning & Ending Position Assignments from Position Mass Assign
To learn more about the Position Manager tool, go to this page: Position & Position Groups