This article will discuss the new QR code scanning functionality within Self Check-In and describe how to configure it.

A new feature has been added to Self Check-In, which allows your Administrators and Coordinators to check your members into events using just a QR code and your smartphone's camera. No additional hardware is required.

Required Access:

You will need the Registration Administrator or Administrator access level.

Steps to be Taken:

To get to the QR Scanning / Mobile Attendance Tracking configuration options, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Management
  2. Find Registration Tool Manager
  3. Click Setup next to the Registration Tool you'd like to configure QR scanning.
  4. Scroll down to the Advanced - QR Scanning / Mobile Attendance Tracking section and click to expand the configuration options.


Configuring QR Scanning

To configure the QR scanning options, follow these steps:

  1. Here, you will notice that if Self Check-In is enabled, QR Scanning is enabled automatically if you have Self Check In enabled. However, if it is not, you can enable QR Scanning by setting the Enable QR Scanning / Mobile Attendance Tracking dropdown to Yes.


  2. The Check In/Out Type? dropdown allows you to select whether or not members who are scanned in will need to check out as well as check in. Note that if you are using Self Check In, this setting will match what you have set in that section. Changing one section will change both sections.


    • Check In and Out, Credit on Actual Hours - The member will need to be checked into and out of the event, and the system will record hours based on the amount of time they were actually checked in.
    • Check In and Out, Credit on Shift Hours - The member will need to be checked into and out of the event, and the system will record the number of hours the event or shift was scheduled for.
    • Check In Only, Credit on Shift Hours - The member will only need to be checked in, and the system will record the number of hours the event or shift was scheduled for.
  3. Allow Unregistered Members Check In? - This dropdown allows your administrators or coordinators to check unregistered members into events using QR Scanning.


  4. Send attendees email with QR code prior to the event? - Setting this dropdown to yes will reveal additional configuration options and allow the system to send an email to registrants with their QR code included.


    • From Name - Allows you to specify the contact name that the email should appear to be from.
    • From Email - Allows you to specify the email address that the email should appear as being from.
    • Subject - Allows you to specify the subject line of the email.
    • Days Before Registration to Send Email - The number of days before the event that the email will be sent to registrants.
    • Message Top - Language included here will appear above the QR code included in the email.
    • Message Bottom - Language included here will appear below the QR code included in the email.
  5. Once you have finished configuring those options, click Save.

Checking Registrants in Using QR Scanning

Now that your Registration Tool is set up for QR Scanning, any events created in this tool will have QR scanning available. Members can open their Membership Card from the JL App and Coordinators can scan them in through the Attendance Manager. See Checking Registrants in Using QR Scanning for more info