This article will show you how to enable Primary Coordinators and/or Secondary Coordinators to manage attendance for events in the Registration Tool.

Take note, before you add Coordinators for an event, for the email notifications to work, you must have settings turned on at the Registration Tool level. In the setup, please make sure you check Advanced - Notification of Registration. See Email Notifications for Coordinators for all the steps. 

Also, in the setup, under Advanced - Coordinator, please make sure the Primary Coordinator Access and the Secondary Coordinator Access fields should both be set to Manage Attendees.

Required access:

You will need the Registration Administrator access level.

How to set a coordinator to manage attendance at a meeting:

An Administrator assigns the coordinator by:

  • From the Member Portal, Admin > Member Management
  • Go to Registration Tool Manager
  • Select Manage (such as Meetings tool)
  • Select Edit on the Event or Meeting

Scroll down to the Event or Meeting page to Primary Coordinator and click the box to select the Primary Coordinator from your membership.

Once selected, you can customize what is displayed on the registration with the following info: 

  • Primary Coordinator Phone: a Phone Number that will be displayed registrations (If blank, the Primary Coordinator’s preferred Phone will display)
  • Primary Coordinator Email: will override primary coordinators email in the system to display to registrants (If blank, the Primary Coordinator email will display)
  • Send primary coordinator registration, cancel, and waitlist notification emails at the following email:
  • None: Emails are not sent to Primary Coordinator
  • Account: Emails are sent to Primary Coordinator’s email account 
  • Email: Email, as listed 
  • Both: Send emails to both emails

  • Secondary Coordinator: click on the box and select a member from the list. You can add multiple coordinators for the event by clicking Add. (system supports Muliple Secondary Coordinators)

After you have entered the information, Save the meeting at the bottom of the page. The coordinator information will be displayed on the registration page.

Once assigned, the Primary Event Coordinator will be able manage the attendance of the meeting. When the Primary Event Coordinator logs in, she will see a new menu under Calendar: Coordinator – Manage Attendees.

The meetings to which the Primary Coordinator has been assigned will appear:

Click the number under Attendance to see who has registered to mark the attendance for events.

Once marked Attended, if the meeting has Requirements assigned, the member will be credited.

Enabling Email Notifications at the Registration Tool Level

To enable Primary Coordinators from the Registration Tool Manager, select Setup next to the Registration Tool.

Scroll down and open Advanced - Coordinator, select Primary Coordinator Access and choose Manage Attendees. 

To enable Secondary Coordinator Access, choose Manage Attendees. Here are the other options:

  • None: Emails are not sent to Secondary Coordinator
  • Email: Emails will be sent to the email listed 
  • Manage Attendees: enables the Secondary Coordinator to mark attendance
  • Both: Emails will be sent and enables the Coordinator - Manage Attendees link under the Calendar

Next, find the Advanced - Notification of Registration section and set a value for Send Notification of Registration Email Days Before. The default is set to 3. When members register for this Registration Tool's events, emails for registrations will be sent out within 3 days of the event. Only registrations within the 3 days will generate emails. Registrations prior to the 3 day window will be noted under attendance. Also, additional registration emails or select Access Groups can be set for events in this Registration Tool

To apply this change, scroll down and click Save.

See Email Notifications for Coordinators for more info.