This article will walk through how to configure a registration calendar to be used for Paid Events. Before Paid Events can be used, make sure your Stripe keys have been set up. Follow the steps in this article: Setting Up Financial Transactions in Stripe

You can set up meetings/events/shifts within a registration calendar to have paid options when they register. For example, if you had a dinner event set up in the registration calendar, you could have a variety of paid options for a Chicken Dinner, Steak Dinner, Vegetarian Dinner, etc.  

IMPORTANT: When setting up a calendar as a Paid Events Calendar, only paid events can be created within that calendar. A calendar cannot have a combination of paid and non-paid events within it. If you create a Paid Events Calendar, all events within the calendar will have payment options.

Required access: 

You will need the Registration Administrator access level. 

How to get there:

  • From the Member Portal, click on Admin > Member Management 
  • Select Registration Tool Manager 

If this Registration Calendar does not yet exist: 

  1. Read the article Creating a Registration Calendar Through The Wizard here
  2. When creating the calendar, you'll set the dropdown that says Are these Paid Events? to Yes

If this Registration Calendar already does exist:

 You can only change the calendar to be a Paid Events calendar if no events have yet been created within the calendar 

  • Click Setup next to the Registration Calendar that should be for Paid Events
  • Go to the section Advanced - Paid Events 
  • Set Is this a paid event? to Yes
  • If the system does not let you change this option, this means the calendar has already had non-paid events created within it, so it can't be switched to be a Paid Events calendar. You will need to create a new, Paid Events calendar.

Take note, if you create events that are paid, you will not to create paid options for the event details to appear. See How to Set Up Paid Event Options