This article will walk through how to configure a registration calendar to be used for Paid Events. Before Paid Events can be used, make sure your Stripe keys have been set up. Follow the steps in this article: Setting Up Financial Transactions in Stripe
You can set up meetings/events/shifts within a registration calendar to have paid options when they register. For example, if you had a dinner event set up in the registration calendar, you could have a variety of paid options for a Chicken Dinner, Steak Dinner, Vegetarian Dinner, etc.
IMPORTANT: When setting up a calendar as a Paid Events Calendar, only paid events can be created within that calendar. A calendar cannot have a combination of paid and non-paid events within it. If you create a Paid Events Calendar, all events within the calendar will have payment options.
Required access:
You will need the Registration Administrator access level.
How to get there:
- From the Member Portal, click on Admin > Member Management
- Select Registration Tool Manager
If this Registration Calendar does not yet exist:
- Read the article Creating a Registration Calendar Through The Wizard here.
- When creating the calendar, you'll set the dropdown that says Are these Paid Events? to Yes
If this Registration Calendar already does exist:
You can only change the calendar to be a Paid Events calendar if no events have yet been created within the calendar
- Click Setup next to the Registration Calendar that should be for Paid Events
- Go to the section Advanced - Paid Events
- Set Is this a paid event? to Yes
- If the system does not let you change this option, this means the calendar has already had non-paid events created within it, so it can't be switched to be a Paid Events calendar. You will need to create a new, Paid Events calendar.