This article will show you how to inactivate a Member's record, which includes updating their status, canceling any upcoming registrations, ending their placement date, removing them from any Access Groups, etc. 

NOTE: Inactivation Manager does not cancel or refund any dues payments.  If an inactivated member is currently enrolled in a dues payment plan, or annual recurring dues payment, the plan should be canceled using the Stripe Admin tool.  See Cancelling Recurring Dues Payments.

Required Access:

You will need the Member Administrator or Administrator access level.

Steps to be taken:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Search
  2. Find the name of the Member you want to inactivate and click on their Profile. In our example, Shana Miller's record will be inactivated.
  3. Find Engagement Information > Volunteer/Employee Status
  4. Click on Inactivate Member
  5. Set the Status Name (required) to an inactive one, such as Dropped, Resigned, or Deceased.
  6. For Effective Date (required), set the day you want to inactivate the account. 
  7. Under Reason for Change (required), there is a list of options to choose from to describe why the Member was inactivated.
  8. You can enter an optional Comment or note about the inactivation.
  9. On the next page, it will show all actions that will occur as a result of Inactivation: 
    • Currently Assigned Shifts/Events - This section will display a list of future dated shifts/events for which the member is registered.  The registered shifts/events will be canceled, and the member will be notified by email of each cancellation. 

    • Current Coordinator Shifts - The member will be removed from any shift/event for which she is a designated coordinator. 

    • Recurring Assignments - This section will display a list of future dated recurring shifts the member is
      registered for.

    • Positions To Be Inactivated - Any placement positions assigned to the member will be end-dated.

    • Access Groups - Members will automatically be removed from the access group after the effective date of the new status. 

    • Administrative Access - If a Member has any access levels assigned, the end date will be set to the effective date you set. 

    • GroupShare - Members will automatically be removed from GroupShares after the effective date of the new status. An email will be sent to the Group Leader. 

    • Transfers - If the Member's record was set as a Pending Transfer, it will appear here and will be cancelled. 

    • Hours - Any pending hours will be automatically approved upon inactivation if those hours are not past the inactivation date 

Take note, the actions above are dependent on the effective date of the status change and will take effect after that date.