How to setup the link between Member Essentials and MailChimp - This link will ensure your Mailchimp mailing list / Audience is current with your members emails. The tutorial covers creating the Link to Mailchimp which requires an entire "Audience" from Mailchimp.
(VIDEO COMING SOON, see steps below)
Member Essentials offers an integration with Mailchimp. This provides a way for your member's information in Member Essentials to sync with your Mailchimp account. There is tool to monitor the sync in Member Essentials, which can be found in Admin > Member Management > CRM Sync. Also, Access Groups can appear as tags which will sync nightly to Mailchimp.
Required access:
You will need the MailChimp Manager or Administrator access level.
Where to go:
To get to the Mailchimp Config, follow these steps:
- Go to Admin > Member Management > CRM Sync

Steps to be taken:
Log in into your Mailchimp Account (make sure you have an available Audience)
2. Follow the prompts for the new Audience and save the Audience name.
3. Select your profile on the Upper Right corner, then Account and Billing
4. Select Extras > API keys (do not select lower keys: Your Mobile SDK Client keys)
5. Select Create a Key and copy the API key
6. Return to Member Management > CRM Sync
7. Paste the API Key and the Audience Name / List Name
8. Click Save Mailchimp API Key
9. Then, select your Audience Name to sync.
10. Click Manage Access Group, to select which Access Groups to send to Mailchimp, then Save Changes.
11. Finally, click Manage Statuses to select which status types you want to send to Mailchimp and save.
12. Once the Mailchimp sync completes, the CRM Sync tool will record the last sync with a date/timestamp.
As your members update their email address, the system will update Mailchimp every few days.