Keep track of all the organizations your League partners with. An outside agency or organization is any external entity that your organization interacts with for purposes like partnerships, funding, support, media relations, or volunteering.

Required Access:

You will need the Organization Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to go:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Select Organization Manager

Steps to be taken:

  1. Click on the plus icon to add a new organization. 
  2. Here are the available fields:
    • Organization Name - enter the name of the organization or agency
    • Description - include a comprehensive summary of an organization, helping others quickly understand its purpose, activities, and impact.
    • Organization Website - enter the website URL for the organization where you can find information about the organization's purpose, services, products, news, events, and how to get involved.
    • Parent Organization - not used
    • Show On Public Webpage - not used 
    • Upload Image - upload an image or logo that represents the organization
    • Organization Type - This refers to the classification of an entity based on its structure, function, purpose, or legal status. For instance, common organization types include corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, partnerships, cooperatives, etc. 
    • Organization Category - This typically denotes a broader classification system used to group organizations based on common characteristics such as industry, sector, mission, or focus. For example, organization categories might include healthcare, education, technology, finance, environmental, etc. 
    • Contact Information - enter the contact information to easily reach out to an organization for any inquiries, support, partnerships, or other purposes.
      • Main Phone
      • Main Fax
      • Main Email
    • Notes - capture and organize key information that helps improve communication, track progress, and ensure that the organization’s activities and operations are documented and well-managed.
  3. Click Save to create your organization.