1. Vendors aren’t understanding how to find the next step link after filling out their application. When they complete the application form and press submit, the next page is blank. What is the solution?
    In Member Management > Form Builder > Set Up > Form Confirmation section > add https://vms.ajli.org/?nd=m_home to the “Destination URL” field

    There must be a Destination URL set for the application form and in the additional form, if applicable. Since the Vendors are on a checklist, the home screen link will redirect them back to the checklist where they will be able to then select the next step link.

  2. We are getting several merchants who have come back and said when they click on the “Share” link to create an account, they are being directed to other League's sites where they have applied to those markets. Why is this happening? 
    Unique email addresses for vendor applications are required. Each application corresponds to a specific checklist and administrative process, and unique identifiers are crucial for accurate differentiation and efficient processing.

    The Vendors will need to create a new account for each league they are applying to. You can send them the below information to help explain this process:

    “To create a new account for the Vendor Checklist with the Junior League of [League name here], you'll need to use a different email address than the one you used for your other Vendor accounts. Open up your web browser and go to this link: [insert share link here]

    Once there, you'll see an option to sign up or create a new account. Follow the prompts and fill in the required information. Remember, use a different email address this time.”

  3. Will we get email notifications when Vendors create their profiles or just when they submit an application? 
    Admins that have been entered in Form Builder > Setup > Admin Email Notifications section > Admin Email fields, will get an email notification when the Vendor submits their application form and additional form (if applicable). 

  4. When we accept or waitlist a merchant in the new Vendor Management system, do they automatically get an email? Or, do we need to personally email them?  
    You will need to email the accepted/waitlist Vendors by going to Member Management > Vendor Management > Manage Vendors tab > filter on “Accepted” vendors in the Deliberation column > use the checkbox column to select the Vendors you would like to email > then select the Email Accounts table action at the top right of the table > You can then configure the email content you would like to send. You can then do the same for the “waitlist” vendors.

  5. We are not seeing that any of the Vendors have filled out their application and are stuck on that step, what is the issue? 
    This is likely due to the application form in Form Builder being set to Public.

    For each form the Vendor needs to submit, go to Member Management > Form Builder > Set Up > Form Details > Public? and set it to No.