After your Vendors start applying for your event, you will be able set a deliberation status for their application.

Required Access:

You will need the Vendor Management Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to go:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Select Vendor Management
  • Click on Manage Vendors

Steps to be taken:

  1. Choose the name of the Vendor by clicking on the name under Organization, which will take you to their Profile.
  2. Click on Personal Information, where you will find the Deliberation section.
  3. To add a deliberation status, click on the add or "+" icon.
  4. By default, the name of the current event will be shown.
  5. Under Status, set the deliberation status of their application. Here are the options:
    • Accepted
    • Accepted: Kiosk
    • Accepted: Pop-up
    • Accepted: Virtual
    • Dropped Out
    • Maybe/Waitlist
    • Pending
    • Rejected
    • Withdrew
  6. For the Notes, you can enter an internal note about their status.
  7. For the Sub-Status, you can set the category for the type of vendor they are, or choose a wave. This is set up in Events > Sub-Statuses.
  8. Click on Save.