Create Items for Vendors to purchase for your League's event or market. They can be items such as Corner Booth, Center Aisle Booth, Booth Fee, Deposit, Wifi, Trash Bin, etc.

Required Access:

You will need the Vendor Management Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to go:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Select Vendor Management
  • Click on Items

Steps to be taken:

  1. On the top right, there is an Add icon. Click on the "+" button to create a new item.
  2. Fill out the following fields:
    • Event: (required) select the event name
    • Item Name: (required) name of your item such as Corner Booth
    • Accounting Reference: (Optional) Select an accounting reference code to link to your item
    • Item Price: enter the price for your item
      • If your Corner Booth is $300, enter 300
    • Item Due Date: date when the item is due for payment
    • Self-Select: determine if an item has to be a required payment or not
      • If you have an item that Vendors are required to pay for such as Booth Fees or Deposit, you can set this to No
      • If you have items that Vendors can choose to pay for such as Wifi or Trash, you can set this to Yes
  3. Click on Save.

Archive an Item: 

You can archive the item by selecting the X icon in the Actions column. If you select the eye icon at the top right of the

table, it will display the archived items.