Create an event for your Vendors to apply to. Take note, if you have multiple events, you can only one event be “current” at a time. In order to make the event “current” you can select the play icon (“Make Current”) below Actions. Once an event is made current, the share icon will appear next to the event.

Required Access:

You will need the Vendor Management Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to go:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Select Vendor Management

Steps to be taken:

  1. On the top right, there is an Add icon. Click on the "+" to create a new event.
  2. Fill out the following fields:
    • Event Name: (required) name of your event such as JLA Holiday Market or Festival of Trees
    • Start Date: (required) date of when your event will start
    • End Date: (required) date of when your event will end
    • Checklist: (required) select a checklist of the steps a Vendor will take to apply to your event. 
    • Application Form: (required) select the Vendor Application form you just created from the Form Builder 
    • Additional Question Form: if the checklist you selected has an Additional Form, choose the form you just created from Form Builder
    • Application Fee Amount: enter the amount Vendors have to pay to apply for the event 
      • If the application fee is $50, enter 50
    • Payment Page Introduction Text: (Optional) This text will appear after a Vendor completes the last step (Payments) from the checklist.
      • i.e. Thank you for being part of our Holiday Market!
    • Application Fee Accounting Reference: (Optional) Select an accounting reference code to link to the application fee.
    • Sub-Statuses: Admins can enter categories to differentiate the type of vendor or create waves separated by commas
      • Books, Accessories, Clothing, Art, Food, Toys, Gifts
      • i.e. Wave 1,Wave2,Wave3
  3. When you're done, click on Save

Archive an Event:

You can archive the event by selecting the X icon in the Actions column. If you select the eye Icon at the top right of the table, it will show the list to display the archived events.