There is a new setting in access groups where you can set it up as an advisor group. 

Required Access:

You will need Access Group Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to go:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Management.
  2. Find Access Group Manager

Steps to be taken:

  1. On the bottom of the page, click Add to create an access group.
  2. For Query Group Name, create your advisor group name such as 2024-2025 Advisor: Melissa Smith.
  3. By default, Show this access group in access lists across the site? will be set to Yes.
  4. Set Is Advisor Group? to Yes.
  5. For an advisor group to work, it should also be set up as a GroupShare group. Set Is this a GroupShare Group? to Yes.
  6. Set the setting for the Force Refresh Rate to Default.
  7. Specify Yes for "Allow editing access group members from the profile" and "Allow Quick Add Member to Group" 
  8. Click Next to set up the conditions.
  9. Click Add Condition to set up the group.
  10. For the Condition Name, there are two options:
    • If it will be individual members, use Account, and add members through Add Accounts. You can select as many Members as you need by searching for their name and clicking on the "+" icon under Action.

    • If you wish members to be automatically to be added to the advisor group based on a condition, e.g. Status, Position Group, etc. specify the condition accordingly.

  11. It will take overnight for the access groups to refresh.
  12. The advisor group will be ready when the Leaders link is available under GroupShare group.
  13. On the homepage, when a Member logs in, she will see the My Advisor Group(s) section below Quick Links, where she can access her advisor group.

To assign a leader, see Setting a Leader in Advisor Groups.