Create Advisor Groups for any purpose, including Provisionals, Placements, etc. Advisor Groups are created by creating a special type of Access Group, placing members in the group, and designating a group leader, i.e. the advisor. 

Advisors can collaborate with their members through a GroupShare, including accessing requirements reports. Members can see their advisor group from the portal home page. 

The new system will allow you to do the following: 
  1. You can create advisor groups and assign members either individually, or automatically through status, placement or other condition
  2. Members can see their advisor groups on the member home page and in their profile.
  3. Members can be members of multiple advisor groups - a member is not limited to a single advisor
  4. GroupShares can be turned on for advisor groups allowing the advisor to email their advisees, and vice-versa
  5. Through GroupShare, advisors will be able to view the current obligation details of their advisees via the the requirement reports
Advisor Groups are set up the same as Access Groups.
  1. Go to Admin > Member Management > Access Group Manager.

  2. Create the Advisor Group
    1. Include the year and name of the advisor in the group name e.g. 2024-2025 Advisor: Melissa Smith
    2. Set Is Advisor Group? to Yes
    3. Specify Yes for Is this a GroupShare Group
    4. Specify Yes for "Allow editing access group members from the profile" and "Allow Quick Add Member to Group"

  3. Add Conditions for inclusion in the Group
    1. If it will be individual members, use Account, and add members
    2. If you wish members to be automatically to be added to the advisor group based on some condition, e.g. Status, Placement, etc. specify the condition accordingly.

  4. It will take overnight for the access groups to refresh with the advisor group feature. The advisor group will be ready when the Leaders link is available under GroupShare group. See Creating Advisor Groups

  5. To assign a leader, click on the Leaders link and set Is a leader? to the Advisor who is leading the group. See Setting a Leader in Advisor Groups

  6. Leaders can configure the Advisor Group in GroupShare. See Configuring Advisor Groups for Leaders