The Placement Tool offers multiple reports to help Leagues analyze their Member engagement and development data and make strategic decisions. Reports can be accessed only by Placement Administrators.
Accessing Placement Reports
Log into your Member Portal and select Admin / Member Management / Placement Matching - Placement Admin. In the Administrative Queue, click on the Reports icon.
Types of Reports Available
All reports are available in Excel and PDF formats.
Member Placement Choices and Rank
What it does:
- Displays Members’ placement choices and rankings for the selected year. Includes an indicator if a Member chose a recommended placement (for Leagues using the Placement Matching mode)
Why use it:
- This report is valuable when assessing how many Members chose recommended placements vs. placements not recommended by the Placement Matching process. A high percentage of Members choosing placements that were not recommended might indicate that tagging or descriptions need to be reconfigured or placements need to be sunset if they are not attractive to Members to develop their skills and competencies.
Member Skill Ratings per Year
What it does:
- Displays each skill each a Member chose in the Placement Matching mode and her self-selected proficiency level. This report enables the League to track progress in Members’ skills levels, as reported by Members over multiple years
- For Members who are on the second year and beyond using the Placement Tool, the skill level for the year’s reporting will be highlighted either in red, yellow, or green, depending on whether the Member reported a higher or lower level of proficiency or no change in proficiency for the skills displayed
Red – Lost proficiency
Yellow– Proficiency stayed the same
Green – Gained proficiency
Why use it:
- This report is valuable when assessing the effectiveness of the training and experiential learning opportunities provided to your Membership. If Members are consistently reporting the same level for skills and competencies, placements may need to be altered to deliver on the promise of training and hands-on learning for Members
- The report can be used strategically in conjunction with Members’ responses to the online interviewing that asks them to provide feedback on their previous year’s placements
- Another function of this report is to assess whether Members possess skills that align with the skills that are required for specific Leadership positions
- It can be used to identify potential leaders who can be encouraged to apply through a formal application
Placement Tagging by Skill
What it does:
- Lists each skill and displays the number of times it has been used to tag a placement
- The report will show skills that have not been assigned to a placement
Why use it:
- Run before opening placement to identify skills that are not associated with any placements and to remove unused skills from the Year-Specific configuration
- Identify potentially over-tagged skills (if “Decision-making” appears in 231 Placement Matching selections, it is likely tagged on placements where it does not belong)
Skills Usage Analysis
What it does:
Allows a comparison of skills in two ways:
- Number of placements tagged with each skill
- Number of Members who selected each skill in their self-assessments
Why use it:
- Offers a comparison between the skills you have used to tag placements and the skills your Members have selected (for Leagues using Placement Matching mode)
- It may highlight discrepancies between what Members are looking to experience and what is offered in terms of skill development. In that case, placements should be developed, adjusted, or sunset to reflect your members’ needs
Member Online Discovery
What it does:
- This report exports Member responses to the discovery questions, one line per question
- Online Discovery questions are optional for Members to respond
Why use it:
- This export may be useful for making placement decisions or analyzing Member engagement
Member Tagging
What it does:
- Exports a list of Members and all the tags they each selected for the selected placement cycle
Why use it:
- This export may be useful for making placement decisions or analyzing Member engagement
Member Ratings
What it does:
- Exports the skills selected by members and their rating for each for the year you select
Why use it:
- It is helpful in evaluating the self-reported skill-levels of your Membership to make more informed decisions about development opportunities the League offers
Placement Tagging
What it does:
- This report exports a list of tags for each placement (one line per tag) for the specified year.
Why use it:
- Can help you identify patterns in the way your League tags placements
- It will also help identify potential gaps or errors in tagging
Placement Configuration
What it does:
- Exports placements configured for a specific year
Why use it:
- To review all tags associated with specific placements
Hour Range Analysis
What it does:
Allows a comparison of Hourly Selection in two ways (for Leagues using Hourly Selection in placements):
- Number of placements tagged with each hour range
- Number of Members who selected each hour range
Why use it:
- Can be used to evaluate whether the hour ranges assigned to the placements offered by your League are proportional to the hour ranges selected by Members
Seasonal Availability Analysis
What it does:
Allows a comparison of Seasonal Availability in two ways (for Leagues using Seasonal Availability in placements):
- Number of placements tagged with each seasonal availability
- Number of Members who selected each seasonal availability item
Why use it:
- Can be used to evaluate whether the Seasonal Availability assigned to the placements offered by your League are proportional to the Seasonal Availability options selected desired by Members
Availability Analysis
What it does:
Allows a comparison of Availability in two ways (for Leagues using Availability in placements):
- Number of placements tagged with each availability
- Number of Members who selected each Availability item
Why use it:
- Can be used to evaluate whether the Availability assigned to the placements offered by your League are proportional to the Availability selected by Members
Placement Selection and Ranking counts
What it does:
- Displays the number of times each placement was selected, with a breakout of the number of times the placement was assigned each ranking
- Shows the popularity of a placement among your Members
- The left-hand column shows how many times a Member ranked each placement in the selection step
- The right-hand column displays how many times each placement was ranked at a specific level, i.e., the “Retention &Hospitality Committee Member” was ranked #1 eleven times by the all Members.
Why use it:
- Can be used to provide an overview of which placements may or may not need to be sunset, or what additional placements would be of interest to Members
Member Placement Selections
What it does:
- Exports the placements ranked by each Member for the year selected (one row per Member)
Why use it:
- Export this data in Excel format to analyze your placement matching and placement sign-up information