Placement descriptions provide information to Members to help them determine which placements provide the civic leadership development opportunities they are seeking. The tool relies on the League to enter comprehensive descriptions to ensure the process is as relevant and accurate as possible.
- To enter and edit Placement Descriptions, you must have Placement Editor or Placement Administrator access.
- For those with Administrator rights, go to the Administrative Queue and select the Placement Configuration icon. This opens the list of placements your League has for the year you chose under Year to Manage.
The Placement Configuration screen allows you to customize placements for the year selected in the Year-To-Manage drop-down (changes made for one year do not change a previous year’s configuration).
- To edit a placement, click on the Edit icon (left-most icon) next to the placement you want to edit
- This opens the Description Fields for editing
- See the below for details about each Field
About the Placement Description Fields
FOR EACH PLACEMENT: Update each of the fields with the information needed to enable Members to make informed decisions about the League’s placements.
1. Minimum number of members needed for the placement
2. Maximum number of members needed
3. Count as placement:
- If set to Yes, this counts as a placement for Members
- If set to No, it is treated as an ad hoc committee placement that may be done in conjunction with a placement
4. Visibility:
- Auto: Placement remains visible until filled
- Always Hide: Placement will not show or Members
- Always show: Placement remains visible even when filled
5. Committee/Council Description: Describes the main purpose and objectives of the committee, its primary activities and responsibilities. Will show in the Placement Catalog.
6. Community Issue Area: If applicable to the placement, this describes how the placement aligns with the League’s issue area(s). Use this field to describe the goals of the Community project, population served, impact sought, etc.
7. Specific job responsibilities of Placement: Use this field to describe specific duties for the placement and/or the people with whom the placement collaborates.
8. Insights and experiences members will gain: Helps the member understand how this placement will help them develop their civic leadership skills.
9. Committee Meeting Details: Enter specific details about expectations for meetings– times, locations, dates, etc.
10. Contact: Name, email, and phone number (if applicable) of the League Member to contact for information about the placement.
11. Orientation or Training Details: Enter information about any training required for the placement – with dates and times if you have them.
12. Community Partners (if applicable): List the partners with which this placement will work, their missions, and the nature of the partnership.
13. Important Information: Provide additional relevant information to help Members make informed decisions (e.g., language needed or physical requirements, overall time commitment, etc.)
14. Click the Update button on the bottom right to save your changes. If you do not click update, your changes will not be saved.
15. Clicking the Update button returns you to the Placement Configuration screen.
16. To check your work, open the Catalog from either the Admin Queue or the Placement Configuration page.
Editing Placement Description Fields
For all of the text fields described above, you may edit in one of two ways:
1. One Placement at a Time
- Click the edit button next to the placement you want to update
- Type text or select the options in the fields that need to be updated
- You can also copy & paste from a document or spreadsheet file
2. Mass Edit
- On the Placement Configuration page, select multiple placements
- Click the Mass Edit icon in the upper right corner of the page
- The Mass Edit dialogue will prompt you to identify which fields you want to edit for the selected placements
- Enter your edits where needed
- Click Save and then Confirm to apply your edits to all selected placements