
Welcome, League members, to the world of WordPress website management!  this detailed guide is here to assist you every step of the way. We understand that many of you might not have prior experience with WordPress, so we'll start from the basics and ensure you feel confident in managing your site.

Getting Started with WordPress

Before diving into blog post creation, let's get familiar with WordPress and how to navigate your dashboard. Logging In and Navigating: To access your website's dashboard, simply add "/wp-admin" to your website URL and enter your login credentials. Once logged in, you'll find the dashboard, which is the control center for your website.

Creating a Blog Post Page

For those who prefer a structured approach or have limited experience with blog posts, creating a dedicated Blog Post Page is a great start. Here's how:

1. Create a Blog Post Page:

  • On your dashboard, click 'Pages' on the left-hand menu.
  • Choose 'Add New' to create a new page.
  • Title it 'Blog' or something similar and save it as a draft for now. This will serve as your blog's main page.

2. Adding Blog Articles:

  • To create individual blog articles, go to 'Pages' > 'Add New' each time you want to write a new post. These will be sub-pages under your Blog Page.

Creating a Blog Post Directly

Alternatively, you can navigate to the 'Posts' section on your dashboard to create a blog post directly. Here's how:

1. Accessing Posts:

  • Click on 'Posts' in the left-hand menu.

2. Edit the Test Post:

  • There's usually a test post for reference. Click on it to edit or delete it as needed.

3. Create a New Post:

  • To create a new post, click 'Add New' under 'Posts.'

Crafting Your Blog Post

Now that you're ready to create content, let's dive into the details of crafting a blog post:

1. Title:Give your post a clear and engaging title.

2. Content: Write your article in the main content area. WordPress is user-friendly, and you can format text, add images, and more with ease.

3. SEO Section: Pay attention to the SEO section below the content area. Optimize your post's title, meta description, and focus keyword to enhance its visibility in search results.

4. Categories: Organize your posts by assigning them to relevant categories such as events, featured items, news articles, or uncategorized if necessary. Categories help users navigate your content easily.

5. Promo Section: If your post contains multiple columns or promotional content, use the 'Promo Section' for layout options.

6. Featured Image: Create an eye-catching featured banner image for your post. You can set it in the featured image section.

Migrating Your Old Blog Post to the New ME Public Site

Migrating a large number of old blog posts from an your old WordPress site to a new one can be done efficiently without manually recreating each post. The following process should help you efficiently transfer your old blog posts to the new WordPress site without having to manually recreate each post. Make sure to back up both your old and new sites before proceeding to prevent data loss.

Here's a general process for transferring old blog posts to the new site:

1. Export Content from the Old Site:

  •    On the old WordPress site, navigate to the dashboard.
  •    Go to 'Tools' > 'Export.'
  •    Select 'Posts' or 'All Content' to export your blog posts. You can also choose specific categories or date ranges.
  •    Click 'Download Export File' to save an XML file containing your posts to your computer.

2. mport Content to the New Site:

  •   On the new WordPress site's dashboard, go to 'Tools' > 'Import.'
  •   Choose 'WordPress' from the list of importers (if it's not already installed, you can easily add it).
  •   Upload the XML file you exported from the old site.
  •   Assign authors (if needed) and check the box to import attachments (media files).
  •   Click 'Submit' to start the import process.

3. Review and Edit Imported Posts:

  •  Once the import is complete, review your imported posts on the new site.
  •  You may need to adjust formatting, categories, and featured images, as the process might not perfectly replicate the old posts.
  •  Ensure that all links within the posts are working correctly on the new site.

4. Update Internal Links:

  •  Since the new site might have a different URL structure, update internal links within your posts to point to the correct pages on the new site.

5. Test and Verify:

  • After making necessary adjustments, thoroughly test your imported posts to ensure they appear as intended on the new site.

6. Update SEO and Permalinks:

  •  Review the SEO settings for each post to make sure they align with your new site's SEO strategy.
  •  Consider setting up redirects for old URLs to new ones to maintain SEO rankings.

WordPress is User-Friendly

WordPress is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it accessible even for first-time users. We hope this guide has boosted your confidence in managing your Member Essentials website. If you'd like additional assistance or have specific questions, feel free to book a session with us through this booking link.

Happy blogging and website management! Your League website is in good hands.