If you have defined a Requirements Bundle, you can assign that Bundle to a member status automatically. If a bundle has already been assigned, you can no longer edit the bundle.

Required access:

You will need the Requirements Administrator access level or Administrator access level.

How to get there:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management
  • Select Requirements Manager
  • Click on the Bundles tab

Steps to be taken:

  1. Under the Bundles tab of the Requirements Manager, find the Requirements Auto Assign button.
  2. When you click Requirements Auto Assign, it opens a page with all of the League's statuses. 
  3. Click the edit icon under Action next to the status and select the Bundle you want to assign. Click save.
  4. After saving, you will see the status and the bundle assigned.
  5. The assignment will be applied overnight to the members with the status. 

    Take note, if a Member's status is changed, their old requirements will be removed and they will have their new bundle automatically assigned overnight.

Edit a Bundle:

  1. Find the Edit icon to make changes to your bundle.
  2. You will see a list of all your requirements. Select/unselect the ones you want to include and save.
  3. It will take overnight for the bundles that were auto-assigned to be applied.