If you have defined a Requirements Bundle, you can assign that Bundle to a member status automatically. If a bundle has already been assigned, you can no longer edit the bundle.
Required access:
You will need the Requirements Administrator access level or Administrator access level.
How to get there:
- Go to Admin > Member Management
- Select Requirements Manager
- Click on the Bundles tab
Steps to be taken:
- Under the Bundles tab of the Requirements Manager, find the Requirements Auto Assign button.
- When you click Requirements Auto Assign, it opens a page with all of the League's statuses.
- Click the edit icon under Action next to the status and select the Bundle you want to assign. Click save.
- After saving, you will see the status and the bundle assigned.
- The assignment will be applied overnight to the members with the status.
Take note, if a Member's status is changed, their old requirements will be removed and they will have their new bundle automatically assigned overnight.
Edit a Bundle:
- Find the Edit icon to make changes to your bundle.
- You will see a list of all your requirements. Select/unselect the ones you want to include and save.
- It will take overnight for the bundles that were auto-assigned to be applied.