This article will show how to create and enable Late Fees as Dues Add-Ons when Members pay dues. 

Take note, enabling Late Fees for Autorenew or Recurring dues is not recommended because it will charge the Late Fee in the next League year. To avoid this, before you start dues collection for the following year, cancel the recurring plans with Late Fees charged, and have Members sign up again.

Required Access:

You will need the Dues Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to Go:

  • From the Member Portal, go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Find Dues Management > Dues Add-Ons tab.

Creating the Late Fee:

  1. Click on the '+' Sign to create a new add-on.
  2. Next to Name, enter Late Fee.
  3. Enter the Amount you will be charging for the Late Fee.
  4. Choose the Accounting Reference code for the Late Fee such as 0006-LateFees.
  5. Late Fees should not be included in the total Membership Dues Requirement, as they are conditional and don't apply to all members.  Under Add to Dues Fulfillments, set this field to No.
  6. Set this add-on as a required item by setting Required to Yes.
  7. For the Add-On Type, choose Single Item.
  8. Under the Description, enter details about your Late Fee such as "Late Fees will be applied after May 1, 2023."
  9. Save your changes by clicking Submit.

Enabling the Late Fee:

  1. Go back to the Dues Definition Listing page.
  2. For each of the dues option for which you want to enable the Late Fee, click on the number under Dues Add On.
  3. Find the Late Fee add-on and click on the icon under the Actions column.
  4. Set a Start Date such as May 1, 2023  for when the Late Fee will start to appear and charge Members.
  5. Set Enable Add On to Yes and submit your changes.
  6. When a Member pays for her dues after May 1, 2023, they will see the Late Fee as a required add-on as part of their dues payment.

Late Fees for Payment Plans

If you enable a Late Fee for a payment plan, we recommend that you set Payment 1 to the full amount. You also have the option to spread out the late fees across the installments.