This article will show how Members will be able to purchase Dues Add-Ons after they select a dues item.
Steps to be Taken:
- First, make sure the link to pay dues is available on the Member Portal. The recommended places to publish the link is in Quick Links, News Items, Alert Bars or an email blast.
- After a Member clicks on the published link, they will be taken to the Stripe Dues landing page, where they can choose to pay for a single payment, payment plan or recurring payment.
- On the next screen, they will see options or dues items to choose from.
- After a Member selects a dues item, they will see a list of Dues Add-ons available.
- An Order Summary page will display all the Items that were selected with the order total.
- When a Member selects Pay Now, a popup will appear asking for the Member's email and credit card information.
- After the transaction goes through, an Order Confirmation will appear displaying the details of your transaction.