This article will show you how to enable dues add-ons.  Dues add-ons are enabled per Dues Definition.  When a member selects a dues option corresponding to a dues definition, she will then be offered the dues add-ons enabled for that definition.  

Required Access:

You will need the Dues Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to Go:

  • From the Member Portal, go to Admin > Member Management
  • Go to Dues Management

Steps to be Taken:

  1. On the Dues Definition Listing page, you will see all the dues definitions. 
  2. Find the one for which you would like to enable add-ons. 
  3. Next to the name of the dues item, look for the new Dues Add-On column and click on the number '0'.

  4. This will display all the available dues add-ons.  Fron this screen you can enable the dues add-on for the selected dues definition, and also set a date that dues add-on will become available.  
  5. To enable the dues add-on for the selected dues definition, click on the icon under the Actions column. There will be two options:
    • Start Date - date when the add-on will be available.  If you set a date here, this is the date the add-on will be made available.  This can be used for late fees. 
    • Enable Add-On - setting this to Yes will make the add-on available when the dues definition is selected
  6. If you are enabling an add-on for a payment plan, the installments will be automatically allocated for each payment.  Note, depending on the total of the dues add-on, the installments may not be equal amounts.  You also have the option to customize the amount collected for the add-on per installment. 
    • For example, if a dues add-on is enabled for a Payment Plan of 3 installments, and the amount of the dues add-on is $30, the allocation for each payment will be set to $10.  You can enter custom amounts for Payment 1, Payment 2 and Payment 3, as long as they total $30.  
  7. Submit your changes. Take note, the configuration will only save if the installments equals the price of the add-on. 

  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all the add-ons you want to include for the dues definition.

Paying for Dues Add-Ons

  1. After you have enabled all your dues add-ons and are ready to start collecting dues, you can copy the link from the View Stripe Dues Payment Landing Page on the bottom of Dues Definition Listing.
  2. Paste this link under Quick Links, News Items or an email blast. 
  3. When a Member pays their dues online and selects a dues item, the required and optional add-ons will be available. 

Take note, if you are an Admin impersonating a Member, you will have the option to uncheck Required Add-Ons.