This article will show you how to link the Apply Now button on the Join Us page of your Public Site to the Intake Application form.

Required access:

You will need Intake Administrator or Administrator access level as well as access to the WordPress site. 

Copy the Link from the Entry Point Manager

  1. In the Member Portal or, go to Admin > Member Management > Entry Point Manager 
  2. Click on Copy Link next to the Entry Point you would like to use. This will open a popup where you can select the whole text and copy the link.

Link the Apply Now Button to the Application Form

  1. Log in to your WordPress Public Site. The example below is from
  2. Once you're logged in, click on the JOIN link at the top of your homepage.
  3. Click on Edit Page.
  4. Then, find the existing Apply Now link in your text editor. To create a new button, see Creating Buttons.
  5. Click on the Apply Now text and you will see a pencil icon to edit.
  6. Paste the URL of the Entry Point or Application Form you would like to link this button to like
  7. If you want the application form to open in a new tab, click on Link options or the settings icon, where you can check Open link in a new tab to enable this option and click on Update to save your changes.
  8. Go back to the top of the page to Preview Changes or click on Update to save this page.