If you need to remove a Prospect from the Intake Manager, you can set an inactive status to remove them from your Member Directory.

Required Access:

You will need Intake Administrator or Administrator access level. 

How to get there:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management
  • Find Intake Manager

Here, you will find all the Prospects that are still completing the steps to become a Member.

Steps to be taken:

  1. Find the name of the Prospect you would like to inactivate or delete.
  2. To the left of her name, under the Actions column, you have the option to inactivate or delete.
  3. If you want to remove her record completely from Intake Manager, you can click on the "X" to delete.
  4. If you want to archive her record, you can use the inactivate feature. This will still keep her record hidden from view, but will be available in the Directory if you want to reinstate it in the future.
  5. If you chose to inactivate the record, you can set an inactive status like Dropped below Select Inactive Status. 
  6. Reason for Change has dropdown options for why the status was changed (optional)
  7. Next to Notes, you can leave any Admin notes about the Prospect (optional)
  8. Click Confirm to save your changes. 

You will no longer see the Prospect's name in the Intake Manager or Admin Profile. If you need to reinstate her record again, set Include Inactive Status to Yes in the Admin Profile. See Find Inactive Members and Change their Status for more info.