This article will outline the process for creating an new Entry Point in Entry Point Manager. Entry Point Management is where you create a new incoming member class or type of incoming Member. This is the first step for your Administrators after a workflow is created. Here, you can actually configure the title of the initial application/interest indicator and the Welcome Message displayed below it. 

You can add text to the Prospective Member Homepage, set which status they receive upon completing their steps, and even customize the email that is sent when the Prospective Member completes their Intake Path.

Required access:

You will need Intake Administrator or Administrator access level to see the Entry Point Manager. In addition, if needed, Member Administrator will allow you to access the Admin Profile.

Where to go:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management
  • Here, you'll see the Entry Point Manager located near the top of the page.

Steps to be taken:

Note: Before you get started, please verify that you have a Status with the Status Type of Prospect. This will be required when creating the Entry Point. If you need assistance creating a new Status, please review Create Local Statuses


  1. On the bottom of the page, click Add to create a new Entry Point.

  2. Enter a name in the Point of Entry Name field. This will appear as part of the list inside Entry Point Manager.

  3. If you would like to have a landing page where a Prospective member can choose their Entry Point, click the Make this entry point public checkbox. Otherwise, move on to Step 4. (this is most commonly unchecked)

  4. Enter a title for Entry Point Application Title. This will appear at the top of the initial application. e.g. Prospective Member Application or New Member Spring

  5. In the Welcome Message field, you can specify a message that will appear between the Entry Point Application Title and the application itself.
  6. The Public Description field is required, but not necessary to fill in. You can add a dash here to skip this field.

  7. Optional: Enter a Prospective Member Homepage Message. This message is displayed on the Prospective Member Homepage above their Path Steps for the landing page after they create an account.
  8. In the Workflow dropdown, select the appropriate Path.
    • The steps in that path will now display under the Workflow dropdown. If there are any steps requiring attendance of or registration to an event created in the Registration Tool Manager, you will need to select the appropriate Registration Tool from the dropdown that appears.

  9. Select a status with the Status Type "Prospect" from the Status Assigned on Entry dropdown. This will be the status assigned to a Prospect as soon as they have validated their email address or had their account manually activated.

  10. In the Final Status Assigned Upon Completion of Steps dropdown, select the Status you'd like these Prospective Members to receive upon finishing their Intake Path.

  11. For Next Status Assigned, you can assign a status that is fitting for a Member after the intake path is completed, but before she becomes a Provisional e.g. Final Status Assigned Upon Completion of Steps is Provisional Pending and Next Status Assigned is Provisional.

  12. For Next Status Assigned Effective Date, you can specify which date to assign this next status. Take note, if the intake path completes on or after the Next Status Assigned Effective Date, the Prospect will go directly to that status. The Next Status Assigned will be assigned with that effective date. If the intake path completes before the Next Status Assigned Effective Date, the Final Status will be assigned, and the Next Status Assigned will be added to the status fragment post-date with the Next Status Assigned Effective Date.
  13. Optional: The Send Email Upon Acceptance dropdown allows you to enable the system to automatically send the Prospective member an email when they have completed their Intake Path Steps.

    When set to Yes, this dropdown will reveal four more fields:

    • Acceptance Email Subject allows you to specify the subject of the email.
    • Acceptance Email From Email allows you to specify the email address that appears to have sent the email.
    • Acceptance Email From Name allows you to specify the name of the person or organization sending the email.
    • Acceptance Email Message allows you to customize the message that is automatically sent out. You can enter FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME to display the Prospect's first name and last name.

  14. Send Email to Admin Upon Entry to Intake - This will alert the Admin selected when a Prospective Member starts to fill out an application. 
    When set to Yes, this dropdown will reveal two more fields:

    • Admin(s) to Email Upon Entry to Intake is where you can select which Admin to send these emails to. (If you want to select multiple Admins, use the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) keys to select the names)
    • Entry Email Message ($first_name, $last_name) is where you can customize the message that is automatically sent out. You can enter $first_name and $last_name to include the Prospect's names.

  15. Send Email to Admin Upon Completion of Intake Path - This will alert the Admin selected when a Prospect completes the Intake steps.

    When set to Yes, this dropdown will reveal two more fields:

    • Admin(s) to Email Upon Completion of Intake Path is where you can select which Admin to send these emails to. (If you want to select multiple Admins, use the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) keys to select the names) 
  16. Completion Email Message ($first_name, $last_name) is where you can customize the message that is automatically sent out. You can enter $first_name and $last_name to include the Prospect's names.

  17. Optional: You can set the Prospect to be automatically placed into a Position upon completion of their Intake Path steps by selecting a position from the Add to Position dropdown.

  18. Optional: The Comments field is completely internal. You can use this to include any other relevant details to other administrators.

  19. Click Submit

After you save your changes, here is what your Entry Point or New Members Spring Application form will look like: