AJLI is committed to delivering a member management platform for Leagues that provides you with the critical information and functionality you need to run your League effectively.  

Planned ReleaseFeature  Description
Released - January 2025Member Directory
  • Add the ability to display status type instead of status name.  
  • Add name pronunciation field. 
  • Add the ability to search by current placement.  
  • Display placement history by year.
Released - January 2025Access Groups / GroupShare
  • Allow League administrators to refresh access groups and GroupShares. 
January 2025Member Dues
  • Allow dues adjustments to be added to payment plans.  
  • Add the ability for League administrators to void dues payment transactions. 
Released - February 2025Credit Card Checkout
  • Allow an option for the purchaser to donate a percentage of the order to cover credit card transaction fees. 
May 2025Fair Market Value / Tax Receipts
  • Allow a Fair Market Value and Tax Deductible Value to be defined for Paid Events and Simple Store.   Allow tax receipt to be sent to customer.
May 2025Registration Confirmation 
  • Allow registration confirmation information to be defined per event. 
May 2025GroupShare File Manager
  • Add an option to allow members to upload files. 
Delayed - The scope of the project has been expanded to better facilitate the objectives. Requirements Management
  • Add more tools for reconfiguring requirements, including parent/child requirements. 
June 2025SMS Texting
  • Add the ability to send SMS text messages to members, groups, and event registrants.  (SMS text plan required)
June 2025Position-based Access Levels
  • Redesign position-based access levels, allowing individual access levels to be assigned per position. 
August 2025Admin Directory
  • Include Maiden Name/Former Name in the member search.
  • Display member counts by status type on top of the screen. 
August 2025Simple Store
  • Add the ability to prompt purchasers to log in before making a purchase if identified as a member.
  • Add the ability to configure the store page to require login before purchase. 
  • Add the ability to set the maximum quantity available on an item.
  • Add member/non-member column to the transactions screen. 
ReleasedLocalized BrandingShowcase your League's brand powerfully and consistently to build visibility through your public website.
ReleasedDonor Management IntegrationLittle Green Light integration will sync your Member contact information and their donations from Member Essentials into constituent records to help you manage constituents and gifts.

Dues Add-OnsStreamline the dues collection process, offer flexible payment plans, and improve the experience for Members during dues payment.
ReleasedCustom QueriesAn improved visual interface will help you understand your data so you can tell the important stories of your League. Build custom queries and share them easily with other admins to better understand your Leagues level of engagement.
ReleasedImproved Financial ReconciliationSpeed up your workflow and process checks easily with updated order management screens and Stripe payout reconciliation.
ReleasedMember Profile UpgradesEnables Leagues to add additional profile fields and custom settings to Member profiles.
ReleasedAdvanced Requirements Allows more advanced requirement tracking including nested requirements, points, and points conversion. 
ReleasedVendor ManagementManage vendors for holiday marts and other market type events. 
ReleasedDues Management RedesignRedesign Dues Management to allow more flexibility in the collection schedule for dues and more visibility to members.
ReleasedPlacement Matching EnhancementsEnhancements to allow more flexibility in the use of Placement Matching features. 
ReleasedAdvisor ManagementManage placement and provisional advisor assignments.
ReleasedAgency ManagementManage contacts for outside agency partners.
ReleaseeTickets (Optional Add-on)Allows QR scanning of tickets at paid events.  Please contact ME support if you are interested in this option. 
ReleasedInactivation ManagerAutomates tasks related to resigning or dropping a member.