This article will show how to add custom questions at checkout after someone purchases an item in the Simple Store or makes a donation.
Required access:
You will need the Store Manager access level or Administrator.
How to get there:
- Go to Admin > Member Management
- Find Simple Store
Steps to be taken:
- Under the Questions column, click on the number next to the Simple Store or Donation Page you want to add questions to.
- Click on the plus icon on the top right to add a custom question.
- A popup will appear. Enter your question under Name (the text of your question).
- For Type, there are three options: Drop down, Short text and Long text. If you choose Drop down, another field will appear where you can enter your options separated by semicolons.
- To arrange where your custom question appears on the list, enter a number in Sort Order. (The Sort Order number Must be 1 thru 10, if you change the sort Order will affect exported data)
- If you would like your question to be a required field, set Is Required? to Yes.
- Save your question.
How to Review Custom Questions
- If you go back by clicking on Return to Store Listings, find the store or donation page you just edited and click on the share icon under the Actions column to open the store link.
- If you go through the checkout process by clicking Purchase, under the Additional Information section, you will see the custom questions you just added.
- When someone fills in this information, to view what they posted, go to the Transactions tab in the Simple Store and click on the number under Questions to view the responses.
- To export all the answers, click the view icon in the Query Tool.
- The questions appear to the Right (note lower slider)
In the Query Tool, there is also a report called Simple Store Transactions Report with questions with all the answers to the custom questions. You can filter by Page Name to narrow down your results.
Archiving Custom Questions:
- Under the Questions column, click on the number next to the Simple Store or Donation Page.
- Click on the archive icon to remove the question from your checkout page.
- If you try to add a new question with the same sort number, you will get the error, "A question with that sort order already exists."
- To restore the question, click on the eye icon to include all the archived questions.
- Click on the restore icon to add the question back to the page.