This article will show you how to check Failed Renewals for payment plans or recurring payments. If a Member's credit card is declined, she will be sent an email, where she can update her credit card information. After she clicks on the renewal link, the system will apply the payment due and catch up on any additional payments every day until she is caught up.

Required Access:

You will need Stripe Administrator or Administrator access level to see Failed Renewals in Stripe Admin

Where to Go:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Management
  2. Find Stripe Admin
  3. Click on Transactions and choose Failed Renewals

Failed Renewals

  1. In the Failed Renewals page, you will see all automatic renewal plans that have failed because of a credit card issue. If a Member's credit card gets declined, she should have received an email with a link to update her credit card information. 
    • Take note, if she is having issues locating this email, you can go to this page to re-send her the link.
  2. Find the Member's name and click on Link under Renewal Email Link to copy it.
  3. You can send the link via email or the Email Tool.

  4. After she updates her credit card information through the link, you will see the following columns:
    • Name - member's name
    • Email - email address where the renewal link was sent
    • Item - the dues definition (payment plan or recurring) from Dues Listing
    • Amount - amount due when the credit card was declined
    • Email Sent - the date and time when the renewal email was sent
    • Link Used - the date and time when the Member clicked on the renewal link
    • Completed - the date and time when the Member updated her credit card info

Take note, if the Link Used column is blank, you can reach out to the Member directly to see if they received the email. If they didn't receive the email, it's possible that it went to their Junk or Spam folder. 

Here is a sample email below with the subject - Action Required: Junior League Dues 

Take note, if there is a failed payment plan with an add-on, the Membership Dues Requirement will not look correct. To adjust the Paid, Total Paid/Adjustments and installment totals, please send a message to [email protected] with the Member's name, your League and "Adjust Dues - Failed Renewal Add-On" in the subject line.