This article discusses how to add hours for members of your group or committee. As a Leader, you can allocate hours to Members but Members cannot submit their own hours in GroupShare.

Required Access:

You must be a Leader of the GroupShare group

Where to go:

  1. From the Member Portal homepage, find My Groups > choose your GroupShare group (ex) Membership Committee
  2. Find the Hours tool.
  3. Click Add to enter a new hours activity.
  4. On this page, fill out the details for the hours or activity a member has completed.
    • Account - the member receiving the hours. Click on the field and a popup will appear. Find the name of the member. (If you are looking for a Resigned member, check the Include Inactive checkbox)
    • Activity - the name of the activity done to receive hours
    • Date - the day a member worked their hours 
    • Hours Type - choose an Hours Type: Administrative, Community Impact, Fundraising, Learning and Development or Volunteering
    • Hours / Minutes - the amount of time worked 
    • Status - there are 4 types: Pending, Approved, Rejected or Deleted
    • Comments - Add any comments to hours (optional)
  5. Click Save. As a Leader, you will see the Hours you entered in the Hours GroupShare page.
  6. If you are entering hours for multiple members, you can use Save & Add Another to enter a new hours activity.

Approving All Hours

  1. On the Hours GroupShare page, you have the option to approve all hours entered.
  2. Search for the hours you want to approve by using the following filters: Name, Status, Type (Hours Type), Start Date and End Date.
    • Take note, only hours with a "Pendingstatus will be approved. You can choose to filter the Status to only show Pending hours or you can display a whole list of hours and only the ones with a status of Pending will be approved.
  3. Click on Filter to narrow down your search.
  4. Click on the Approve All button.
  5. A popup will appear asking Are you sure you want to Approve all records that match the current filters? Only entries with a status of Pending will be Approved. 
  6. Click OK and all the pending hours will be approved.


Summary Report - a graphic representation of pending, approved and rejected hours.

Export to Excel - exports the hours to an Excel file