This article will show you how to create new forms in GroupShare.

Required Access:

You must be a Leader of this GroupShare group to add forms.

Where to go:

  • Go to My Groups > find your GroupShare group i.e. Membership Committee 
  • Inside your GroupShare group, click on Forms.
  • Click on Add Form and it will take you to the Form Builder.

Steps to be taken:

Adding a New Form

Form Details

  1. Inside the Form Builder, there are fields to fill out. Start by entering the name of the form in Form Name (required).
  2. For Label Alignment, there are 2 options: Top and Left. Leave the Label Alignment dropdown set to Top, unless the question/name of each field will be short. 
  3. The Form Description field is purely for your internal use and can be left blank if desired. 

Start and End Dates

  1.  The Form Start Date must be set. You may set it to a previous date to make the form available immediately or in the future to make it become available at a later date.
  2. The Before Start Date Message is the message the system will display to the user attempting to fill out the form before it is available. This will usually be something like: Sorry, this form is not yet available. Please try again on 'Start Date'.
  3. The Form End Date determines when the form will become unavailable in the future. This can be left blank if you want the form to be available indefinitely.
  4. The After End Date Message is the message that will be displayed when the form has expired based on the above Form End Date.

Entries Per User

  1. Use the Are Entries Anonymous? dropdown to set whether a user's account information will be associated with a form.
  2. Use the Limit to One Entry Per User (Does not apply to Public Formsdropdown to limit the number of time a user can submit that particular form. 

End User Email Notification

  1. Setting the Send End User Email Notification dropdown to Yes will send out an email to the user, displaying all of their entries in that form. It will also reveal 5 more options:
    • From Name - *Do not includes any commas or period in the email's from name, as many email providers will not accept from names with a comma in them. 
    • From Email 
    • Email Subject 
    • Email Top Message 
    • Email Bottom Message 

Admin Email Notification

  1. Setting Send Admin Email Notification to Yes will reveal 5 email fields. These fields will allow you to send a notification email to any email address you'd like, usually an Admin. The email will display the all of the entries of a user's particular form submission.
    • *Admin Email 1
    • Admin Email 2 
    • Admin Email 3 
    • Admin Email 4 
    • Admin Email 5  

Group Access

  1. For Group Access, please ignore, there is no option for this yet.
  2. The Destination URL field will allow you to set a page that the user will be redirected to upon completion of the form. For example, you can send them back to the member home page or a member content page upon completion. You can also redirect them to the Simple Store page to collect any payments or fees.
  3. The Confirmation Message field can be used to display a short message to the user upon completion like Thank you for your submission!

After you have created your new form, you will be prompted to create form fields, which is covered here: Creating Form Fields