This article will show how to add custom detail fields for events. These fields are different descriptors you can add to the registration page for informational purposes. Once custom detail fields are added here in the registration tool setup, when an admin is creating an event/shift/meeting, they will have additional detail/description fields to fill out to provide information about the event.

Note: Anything (except for name and description) set up at the Registration Tool Level will become the default for all events created in this tool!

Required access:

You will need the Registration Administrator or Administrator access level.

How to get there:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management
  • Select Registration Tool Manager

Steps to be taken:

  1. Click Setup next to the Registration Tool you would like to add custom detail fields to.
  2. Under the Advanced - Custom Detail section, there will be options to add:
    • Custom Field Label - enter a descriptive name for your label (ex) Dress Code
    • Type - choose the type. Admins will only be visible for Admins and User will display for members.
    • Is Filter - allows you to show the filter on the event page
    • Input Type
      • Text - textbox field
      • Dropdown Category - displays a dropdown
        • Choose a Category - choose your type of dropdown
      • Timestamp - choose a date and time from the calendar
      • Image - upload a photo
      • Markdown - provides a rich text field
  3. You can add or remove custom detail fields as needed.
  4. Save your changes. You will see custom detail fields on the event page if the type is User. For Admin fields, the field will appear when you edit an event under Custom Fields.

For example, if you add a custom detail field called "Dress Code", once they are creating a new event/shift/meeting within that registration tool, there will be a Dress Code field for the admin to provide Dress Code information about the event/shift/meeting.