Access Group Manager is available to both versions of Member Essentials. This tool enables Administrators to create Access Groups (groups of members), which can be used through out the system. Access Groups will take overnight to refresh. (Duration 6:43)

This article will show you the process adding conditions to Access Groups using Access Group Manager.

Accessing the Access Group Manager

You will need the Access Group Administratoadministrative access level.

Access Groups refresh overnight - - do not expect to see results immediately. 

To get to the Access Group Manager, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Member Management, either by hovering over the Admin item in the top navigation menu and clicking Member Management on the member home page or by clicking the silhouette icon in the left sidebar once in the Administrative Area.
  • Here, you'll see the Access Group Manager at the top of the page.

Adding Conditions to Custom Access Groups

To add conditions to custom Access Groups, follow these steps:

  1. Here, you will see any Access Groups that were created by the system or created manually by administrators. 
  2. To configure an existing Access Group, click Configure in the Actions column. You will only be able to configure custom Access Groups
  3. If you need to create a new Access Group, go to the bottom of the page and click Add.

5. This page will give you options to configure the Access Group. To add conditions, you'll need to click Next.

  • Query Group Name - enter a name for your group
  • Show this access group in access lists across the site? - make available across your League's site
  • Is this a GroupShare Group? - enable this Access Group as a GroupShare group
  • Sync with Mailchimp - send to Mailchimp as a tag
  • Allow editing access group members from the profile? - you can allow removing members from the group in the Groups > Access Groups fragment on the Admin Profile
  • Allow Quick Add Member to Group - you can allow adding someone to the group in the Groups > Access Groups fragment on the Admin Profile.

6. To add a new condition, click Add Condition.

7. Select a Condition Name. The various conditions are listed below:

  • Access Level:
  1. Select the desired Administrative Access level from the Condition Value dropdown.
  • Account:
  1. Click Add Accounts.
  2. Search for the name of the member/volunteer you'd like to add
  3. Click the green plus icon in the Action column.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've added each member/volunteer, then click Done.
  • Hierarchy:
  1. Select the desired Hierarchy from the Condition Value dropdown.
  • Member Information: 
  1. Select the desired Member Information field from the Condition Field dropdown.
  2. Choose the value you'd like to use from the Condition Value dropdown.
  • Position
  1. Select the desired Position from the Condition Value dropdown.
  • Position Group:
  1. Select the desired Position Group from the Condition Value dropdown.
  • Status:
  1. Select the desired Status from the Condition Value dropdown.
  • Form 2.0:
  1. Select the Form Builder 2.0 form whose submitters you'd like to include or exclude.
  • Event - Attended: 
  1. Select a Registration Tool from the Condition Value dropdown whose event/shift attendees you'd like to be included or excluded.

7. Select whether you'd like to Include or Exclude based on the Condition you selected.

8. Once you have finished setting up that condition, click Submit

9. Under the Actions column, click on Refresh to sync the group.

By default, Access Groups refresh overnight - - do not expect to see results immediately. 

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Access Groups Overview