This article will show you how to create new forms and edit current forms' setup pages. This will be done in Form Builder 2.0
Required Access:
You will need the Administrator or Form Administrator admin access level.
Where to go:
- Go to Admin > Member Management
- Select Form Builder 2.0
Steps to be taken:
Adding a New Form
- On the top right, there is a plus icon to add a new form.
- Write the name of the form in the Form Name field
- Next, you can select a category from the Category dropdown (optional). Categories can be created in Form Builder > Manage Categories on the bottom of the page.
- Select Yes or No from the Public? dropdown to set whether the form will be available to the public. Take note, Public Forms will not capture the name of the submitter. For Intake and Vendor forms, please make sure this is set to No so that the step will be checked off.
- Set Use reCAPTCHA Validation to Yes if you want to validate users before submitting the form (optional)
- Leave the Label Alignment dropdown set to Top, unless the question/name of each field will be short.
- The Form Description field is purely for your internal use and can be left blank if desired.
8. The Form Start Date must be set. You may set it to a previous date to make the form available immediately or in the future to make it become available at a later date.
9. The Before Start Date Message is the message the system will display to the user attempting to fill out the form before it is available. This will usually be something like: Sorry, this form is not yet available. Please try again on 'Start Date'.
10. The Form End Date determines when the form will become unavailable in the future. This can be left blank if you want the form to be available indefinitely.
11. The After End Date Message is the message that will be displayed when the form has expired based on the above Form End Date
Take note, the following fields are only available if the form if Public? is set to No.
12. Use the Are Entries Anonymous? dropdown to set whether a user's account information will be associated with a form.
13. Use the Limit to One Entry Per User dropdown to limit the number of time a user can submit that particular form. If the Are Entries Anonymous? field is set to Yes, Limit to One Entry Per User will not work and should be set to No.
14. If Limit to One Entry Per User is set to Yes, it will reveal two more options:
- Allow user to edit submission - Allows the ability to edit the form for those who submitted the form
- Alert message for user when no more than one entry (256 characters max) - custom message where you can let the Member know that they've submitted multiple entries.
15. Setting the Send End User Email Notification dropdown to Yes will send out an email to the user, displaying all of their entries in that form. It will also reveal 5 more options. Please do not includes any commas or period in the email's from name, as many email providers will not accept from names with a comma in them. Also, take note, Public Forms will not capture the name of the submitter.
16. Setting Send Admin Email Notification to Yes will reveal 5 fields. These fields will allow you to send a notification email to any email address you'd like - usually an Admin. The email notification received will display all of the entries of a user's particular form submission.
17. You can use the Which Access Group Can Fill Out This Form? dropdown to give a certain Access Group the ability to view all of that form's submissions. The only way to limit who can access/fill out a form is by limiting who has the link. You could only email the link to particular members or add a link to the form in Member Content and restrict that page to particular people.
18. You can use the Which Access Group Can View This Form Submission dropdown to give a certain Access Group the ability to view this form's submissions.
19. You can use the Which Access Group Can Manage This Form Submissions dropdown to give a certain Access Group the ability to manage/edit this form's submissions.
- If the Members of the Access Group do not have Form Administrator or Form Administrator View access assigned, they will not be able to access the Form Builder. You can send them this link to view or manage forms:
Take note, if the form is set to Public and you have these fields set, the settings will be saved over to the Public form.
20. The Destination URL field will allow you to set a page that the user will be redirected to upon completion of the form. For example, you can send them back to the member home page or a member content page upon completion. You can also redirect them to the Simple Store page to collect any payments or fees.
21. The Confirmation Message field can be used to display a short message to the user upon completion - usually something like: Thank you for your submission!
Publishing your Form
There are two separate links to publish your form, and which one you use will be based on whether the form is public or not.
Publishing a Member Form:
- Navigate to the overall Form Builder 2.0 page
- Click View next to the form you'd like to publish
- Copy the URL from your browser's address bar, and use that link in your communications or hyperlinks directing members to the form
Publishing a Public Form:
- Click Setup from the main Form Builder 2.0 page
- Find the Public? form field, and underneath that, you should see a link that reads Public form link
- Click that and you can then copy the URL from your browser's address bar
Publishing a Global Form (Junior League Membership Application)
1. e:mail [email protected] to get your Leagues Hierarchy_ID
2. The link will look like with ??? replaced.
3. Update the Notifications with appropriate emails of your league.
Editing a Form's Setup Page
- Once in Form Builder 2.0, click Edit in the Actions column next to any existing form
- From here you can update any of the fields described previously
- Once all edits are made, click Update
Note: If you are adding a new form, always add a brand new entry rather than editing a current form
To watch the video tutorial: Video - Form Builder