This article will show you how to configure a registration tool to automatically give hours to a member. This will be done in the setup of the registration tool.

Accessing the Registration Tool

You will need the Registration Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to Go:

  • From the homepage, go to Admin > Member Management
  • Select Registration Tool Manager
  • Click Add Registration Tool


Enabling/Configuring a New Registration Tool to Give Hours

  • Once in the Registration Tool Wizard, set Enable Hours to Yes
  • Scroll to the section called Hours Settings
  • Set the Hours Type (This is a list of default hours types, i.e. administrative hours, league hours, etc.)
  • Set the Hours Submission Type, this defines how a member earns hours from the registration tool. The options are
    • Approve When Date Passed - this means no matter what (even if the member is not marked as attended) their hours will be automatically set as approved *most popular option*
    • Pending When Date Passed - this means no matter what (even if the member is not marked as attended) their hours will be automatically set as pending
    • Approve When Marked as Attended and Date Passed - this means they will only receive hours once they are marked as attended and the date of the event/shift passes. Once they are marked as attended, they will automatically receive hours that are already set to approved. *most popular option*
    • Pending When Marked as Attended and Date Passed - this means once they are marked as attended and the date of the event/shift passes, their hours will still be listed as pending. An admin will need to also go into the hours manager and marked their hours as approved (Note: This is not commonly used)

      Take note, once Allow Self Check In is set to Yes, it hides the option for the Hours Submission Type, so if you set Allow Self check in back to No, you can update the field.

      You can check the Hours Submission Type in the setup when first creating the registration tool and before setting Allow Self Check In to Yes.

Enabling/Configuring a Current Registration Tool to Give Hours

When in the process of editing a current registration tool, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Management
  2. Registration Tool Manager
  3. Click on Setup next to the registration tool you would lik
  1. Scroll to the section called Advanced - Hours
  2. Set the Hours Type (This is a list of default hours types, ie shift, event, etc)
  3. Set the Hours Submission Type, this defines how a volunteer earns hours from the registration tool. The options are
    • Approve When Date Passed - this means no matter what (even if the volunteer is not marked as attended) their hours will be automatically set as approved *most popular option*
    • Pending When Date Passed this means no matter what (even if the volunteer is not marked as attended) their hours will be automatically set as pending
    • Approve When Marked as Attended and Date Passed - this means they will only receive hours once they are marked as attended and the date of the event/shift passes. Once they are marked as attended, they will automatically receive hours that are already set to approved. *most popular option*
    • Pending When Marked as Attended - this means once they are marked as attended and the date of the event/shift passes, their hours will still be listed as pending. An admin will need to also go into the hours manager and marked their hours as approved (Note: This is not commonly used)
  4. Set the Do Not Auto-Apply Hours Before Date (optional) Earliest date that hours generated by this tool will be counted. If left blank, there will be no early limit