This article will cover the advanced setup and editing of a Registration Tool and the more advanced information for configuring the Registration Tool.

Note: Anything (except for name and description) set up at the Registration Tool Level will become the default for all events created in this tool! 

Required access:

You will need the Registration Administrator or Administrator access level.

How to get there:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management
  • Select Registration Tool Manager
  • Click Setup next to the Registration Tool you are working on


Registration Type Name - the name of the Registration Tool

Registration Layout - This is the way that the events within the tool will be displayed to members. The Calendar option gives a calendar view and the List option gives a list view. When nothing is selected, this option will default to List.

Calendar View Option (While Calendar Layout) - This allows you to choose how much information you want to show who is specified about the registrants of an event. This defaults to minimum information. You will not need to change this information, keep it at the default of minimum information.

Allow to Span Multiple Days (While Calendar Layout) - This option allows events to span multiple days. Defaults to Yes.

Calendar Type (While Calendar Layout) - This gives you the option of having events that can be registered for or to have as information only. The type for registration is "Registration Calendar" and the type for information only is "View Only"

Express Registration - when Enabled, Express Registration is useful in situations where the event details are not as important as quickly signing up for an event. For instance, when the Member is familiar with the event details.

Show Number of Attendees - displays the Attendee Counts on the event details page (ex) 3/1/50, Registered/Minimum Needed/Maximum

Hide Comments - when members register, they can include Comments. Setting this to No will hide the Comments field.

Make Roster Publicly Viewable displays the Attendee List on the event details page

Show on View All Calendar - This option allows you to choose whether or not the events in this tool will be visible on the member calendar

Registration Type Category - This is for distinguishing between the type of registrations like trainings, events, shifts, meetings or other.

Select Time Zone - sets the Time Zone for the calendar.

Introductory Message - This will allow a message to be displayed in the event information. This affects all events within this tool.



Administrator Edit Access - This gives an access group of your choosing the ability to edit the events in this tool

Administrator View Access - This gives an access group of your choosing the ability to view who registered for the events

Registration Access - This will restrict the access to the events in this tool to a specific group. Defaults to all members.

Public/Guest Information

Allow Public Registration - This let's you decide whether or not the events in this tool will be publicly available or not. When "Yes" is selected, it will give you a public link.

Allow Guests This allows you to choose whether or not registrants can bring guests.

Capture Company  Allows you to ask for the affiliated company for each guest. 

Capture Title (When Allow Guests is Yes) Allows you to ask for the title for each guest. 

Confirmation Email

This allows an automated email to be sent to a registrant once they have registered for the event. Take note, confirmation emails are not being sent for Paid Events, but a receipt from your Stripe account will be sent. Alternatively, you can use the Reminder Emails below to notify your Members.

Set Suppress (do not send) Confirmation Email? to No to send confirmation emails for this registration tool. Include the From Name, From Email Address, Email Subject, Confirmation Email Top and Confirmation Email Bottom.

Reminder Emails

This allows for reminder emails to be sent out for the events. You have 2 reminder email date fields, which are set to be sent by the amount of days before the event starts. 

App Reminder

This will send a push notification to the Junior League mobile app to remind members of an upcoming shift. Specify the time before the event starts.

Cancel Email

This email goes out to people who have cancelled their registration. Set Enable Cancel Emails to Yes to configure this option.

Thank You Email

This email goes out to people who have attended the event. Fill in the fields and set the Days After Event to Send Thank You Email after the event has ended to send the email.

Confirmation Page Text

Anything entered into this field will be shown after the registrant clicks "Register" on the event.


Advanced - General Settings

Default for Shift Sign Up End Date/Time Allows you to configure whether the signup for events/shifts will end at the beginning or end of the shift. Setting it to the end would allow registration all the way up until the end of the shift. It defaults to closing at the start of the shift.

Default Calendar Color Overrides the default calendar color.

Require Admin Approval for Registrations Makes it so that an admin has to approve registrations

Hide Cancelled Shifts on Admin Tools? Allows you to hide cancelled shifts on Admin Calendar and Manage.

Hide Cancelled Shifts on End User Tool? - Allows you to hide cancelled shifts for members.

Select Number of Custom Questions to Include Choose the number of custom questions to add to your registrations. The maximum is 10.

Custom Question Label This will allow you to set up a comment field for the event that registrants can fill out at the time of registration such as Dinner Entree. You can make this question required.

Custom Question Type - This gives you options as to what kind of question/comment field you will have. Memo is a small textbox, Phone is for phone numbers, and Text is a bigger text box. Custom dropdown lets you create your own options.

Custom Question Instructions - Option to add instructions for custom question.

Custom Question - Is Required? - Make the custom question a required field to enter.

Allow Edit Custom Question Response - Allowing Members to edit their comments will make any comment made by Admins in an event visible to the Member.

Days Before Allow Cancel - This is the amount of days before the event that a registrant can cancel

Days Before Allow Signup - This is the amount of days before the event that a Member can register for an event

Hours Before Allow Signup - This is the amount of hours before the event that a Member can register for an event

Display Name/Time/Location - When each of these are set to "Yes" then the information will be shown at registration. It defaults to Yes

Singular name for this registration - The system will use this in certain places to determine how to refer to the registrations in that calendar. Choose the singular event name for this registration (e.g. Availability, Event, Shift) 

Plural name for this registration - The system will use this in certain places to determine how to refer to the registrations in that calendar. Choose the plural event name for this registration (e.g. Availabilities, Events, Shifts)

Register Button Label - This changes the text on the submission button at registration. It defaults to Register

Hide After Days - This setting will hide the shift from the calendar that many days after the event. 

Prevent Concurrent Signup - This makes it so that a Member cannot sign up for overlapping events, shifts, meetings, etc.


Advanced - Coordinator

 This allows for coordinators to be given an additional level of access to manage the attendees of events

Coordinator Access Group - If Coordinator Access Group is set, then only accounts in the access group will be selectable as the primary and secondary coordinator for an event.

Primary Coordinator Title Default title is 'Coordinator'. Use this field to set as a different title. (Ex. 'Supervisor')

Show Primary Coordinator to Registrants Only - Set to Yes to show the Primary Coordinator name and contact info to members only after they have registered for the event. Secondary Coordinator's name and contact info will not be visible to the registrants

Primary Coordinator Access - Determines what the Primary Coordinator will be able to do administratively, if anything. For the Primary Coordinator, that's Manage Attendees or nothing. 

Secondary Coordinator Access - Determines what the Secondary Coordinator will be able to do administratively, if anything. For the Secondary Coordinator, you can give them the ability to Manage Attendees, Email registrants, or Both.

If you have a Primary Coordinator or Secondary Coordinator assigned to an event, make sure that the Primary Coordinator Access and the Secondary Coordinator Access fields are both set to Manage Attendees so that they will be able to manage attendance for the event.

Advanced - Hours

Hours Type This allows you to specify the type of hours that are created by participation in this Registration Tool's events

Hours Submission Type This allows you to indicate whether the hours created by participation in this Registration Tool's events have the hours status as Approved or Pending. It also allows you to indicate whether the hours should be given to people who are Registered or Attended to an event in this tool, or only those specifically marked Attended to indicate that they showed up to the event

Do Not Auto-Apply Hours Before Date Earliest date that hours generated by this tool will be counted. If left blank, there will be no early limit.


Advanced - Notification of Cancellation

This notifies the specified emails in this section or the members of the access group specified that someone has cancelled their registration. The event must be upcoming within the number of days indicated in this section. It is recommended to Set the Send Notification of Cancellation Email Days Before with a value like 14

Advanced - Notification of Registration

This notifies the specified emails in this section or the members of the access group specified that someone has registered for an event. The event must be upcoming within the number of days indicated in this section. It is recommended to set the Send Notification of Registration Email Days Before with a value like 14.

Advanced - Notification of Openings

If you set a minimum amount of people needed for registration in an event and that minimum has not been met after a specified number of days, then this email will be sent to the emails specified in this section.

Advanced - Requirements

This is where you will assign requirement credit to events. Whatever is entered here, will be the default in every event created in this tool. This setting is also available on the event level, which if set, will override the credits set to be provided in this area


Adding a Requirement

1. Under Type, select the requirement in the dropdown menu
2. Enter the amount of credits an attendee will receive per event
3. Add Credit


Advanced - Paid Events


This is where you can tell a registration tool is a Paid Event. This is one of the few fields that cannot be edited after creating a registration tool, so if you set this and wish to change it, you will have to create a new registration tool


Advanced - Self Check In

Required, please be sure to set the following fields:

Allow Self Check in via Mobile App - Must be set to “Yes” from the drop-down menu to allow self check-in

Self Check In/Out Type

  • Check In and Out, Credit on Actual Hours: use this if you would like to have members check both in and out, and to use their calculated time for the hours calculation
  • Check In and Out, Credit on Shift Hours: use this if you would like to have members check both in and out, and to use the shift time for the hours calculation
  • Check In Only, Credit on Shift Hours: use this if you would like to only have members check in. This will use the shift time for their hours

Allow Unregistered Members Check In

  • Set this value to Yes to allow members who did not yet sign up for the event to check in. If there are enough openings, this will allow an unregistered member to sign in and check in at the same time
  • Set this value to No if you want members who sign up before they sign in

Optional (Default Values Provided)

Remind User to Check In/Out How Many Minutes Before - Enter the number of minutes before the event for the system to pop up a reminder for the member to sign in

Allow Check In How Many Minutes Before - Enter the number of minutes before the event to allow a member to sign in for their event

Allow Check In How Many Minutes After - Enter the number of minutes after the event starts to allow a member to sign in for their event. After this time an administrator would need to sign them in

Using Beacons for Check In/Out

Beacons are recommended for buildings as GPS can be unreliable in these settings. Beacons are also recommended when you want to verify a member's presence more reliably. If you would like the member to confirm their presence by connecting to a beacon during check in/out change the following settings

  • Require Beacon Connection When Check In - Set to Yes if you want to require a connection to the beacon when checking in to the event. If this is set to No then the member can check in whether or not they connect to the beacon
  • Require Beacon Connection When Checking Out - Set to Yes if you want to require a connection to the beacon when checking out of the event. If this is set to No then the member can check out whether or not they connect to the beacon

Using GPS for Check In/Out

GPS is recommended when you want to verify a member's presence but you do not have a beacon or are at an outdoor venue. If you would like the member to confirm their presence by using the GPS in their phone during check in/out change the following settings. Note, for these options to appear, set "Require Beacon Connection When Check In" to No. 

  • Require GPS or Beacon Verification When Checking In - Set to Yes if you want to require GPS verification or beacon verification when checking in to the event. If this is set to No then the member can check in whether or not they are in the radius of the beacon or defined GPS radius
  • Require GPS or Beacon Verification When Checking Out - Set to Yes if you want to require GPS verification or beacon verification when checking out of the event. If this is set to No then the member can check in whether or not they are in the radius of the beacon or defined GPS radius
  • Allowed Check In GPS Radius in Meters - This is the radius from the center point (the address) in which a member can check out. 200 meters is defaulted but you may want to choose a larger area if the check in location is in a building or in a larger area

Allowing Unverified Check In/Out

If you do not need to verify the member's location during check in/out (trust based), then set the following values to No and the member will be able to check in/out regardless of their location:

  • Require Beacon Connection When Check In: No
  • Require Beacon Connection When Checking Out: No
  • Require GPS or Beacon Verification When Checking In: No
  • Require GPS or Beacon Verification When Checking Out: No

Advanced - QR Scanning / Mobile Attendance Tracking Here, you will notice that if Self Check-In is enabled, QR Scanning is enabled automatically if you have Self Check In enabled, however if it is not, you can enable QR Scanning by setting the Enable QR Scanning / Mobile Attendance Tracking dropdown to Yes.

The Check In/Out Type? dropdown allows you to select whether or not members who are scanned in will need to check out as well as check in. Note that if you are using Self Check In, this setting will match what you have set in that section. Changing one section will change both sections.

  • Check In and Out, Credit on Actual Hours - The member will need to be checked into and out of the event, and the system will record hours based on the amount of time they were actually checked in.
  • Check In and Out, Credit on Shift Hours - The member will need to be checked into and out of the event, and the system will record the number of hours the event or shift was scheduled for.
  • Check In Only, Credit on Shift Hours - The member will only need to be checked in, and the system will record the number of hours the event or shift was scheduled for.

Allow Unregistered Members Check In? - This dropdown allows your administrators or coordinators to check unregistered members into events using QR Scanning.

Advanced - Custom Detail Fields

These fields are additional detail/description fields you can add to the registration page for informational purposes. 

For example, if you add a custom detail field called "Dress Code", once you create a new event/shift/meeting within that registration tool, there will be a Dress Code field for the admin to provide Dress Code information about the event/shift/meeting.

Advanced - Wait List


With this, you can create a wait list for the events in a registration tool and set up how a person would be added to an event from the wait list at the event level by setting Enabled Wait List by Default to Yes.

You can set up the email that gets sent to people who gets added to the wait list and the email that gets sent to Administrators when there is a cancellation while someone is on the wait list.

Setting Make Wait List Publicly Viewable to Yes will display a list of Members who are on the wait list.

Advanced - Virtual Events

If you set Disable Virtual Events to Yes, the virtual location section will be hidden in events.

Advanced - WordPress Sync

 If you set Sync Events to WordPress to Yes, you will see the option to sync your event to your Public Site.