You can also generate blank eTickets, if you need to. Event organizers may generate blank e-tickets as a contingency in case of technical issues. These can be quickly distributed if needed. When working with partners or vendors who require a ticket sample but don't need actual event details, blank e-tickets can serve as placeholders. 

Required access:

You will need the Registration Administrator or Administrator access level.

How to get there:

  • Go to Admin > Member Management
  • Select Registration Tool Manager

Steps to be taken:

  1. Find Manage > eTicket Templates.
  2. Find the template you want to generate eTickets for. 
  3. Below the Generated eTickets column, click on Generate E-Ticket. Take note, this link will only appear if a template has been linked with a paid option.
  4. To generate eTickets, click on the add icon.
  5. A popup will appear asking How many blank eTickets do you want to generate?
  6. Enter the number of eTickets you want to generate here and Submit.
  7. The eTicket batch will be created. Under the Actions column, click on View PDF to see the eTicket.
  8. Here is a sample of the eTicket: