Hello Member Essentials Plus Leagues,

In April, you received an email from me explaining an e-ticket enhancement to our Member Essentials Plus platform that would be available for a cost-sharing opportunity.  Based on the interest indicated by our leagues we are able to offer this feature enhancement add-on for $300.  This is a one-time fee and will not change your annual subscription fee.

Next steps:

  1. To confirm your Leagues inclusion for the e-tickets enhancement to Member Essentials Plus, please complete this form by July 12.
  2. We will develop a timeline based on the development work and communicate with confirmed leagues when this new feature is available.
  3. The league will be billed $300 as a part of their annual Member Essentials subscription fee billing for 2024.  This is a one-time fee. 

**Please note, if your league does not currently want this feature, but would like to add the feature in the future, you will be able to add-on and the $300 will be added to your next annual ME subscription bill.

Please let me know if you have any questions! We are excited to move forward with offering this enhancement!

All my best,
Melody LaRose

Senior Vice President, Operations



Below is the email that I sent in April for your reference:

As we continue to build upon and make enhancements to our Member Essentials Plus platform for member management, we are looking for opportunities to expand certain feature sets that would provide customized options for interested leagues. We recognize that our leagues have varying feature needs, and we want to be able to accommodate as many of those needs as we can!

Our top priority with Member Essentials is to provide a member management platform that allows your league and the association to have up to date member information to help us track our member data as well as provide opportunities for us to communicate effectively with our leagues and their members.

Our Plus version of the product allows an expanded feature set that assists leagues with dues management, requirement/obligation tracking, custom member statues, collaboration tools, intake management, simple store and more! Including new features that will be released very soon – vendor management, agency management and advisor management.

As fiscal stewards of association dollars, we keep our members top of mind. We want to continue to be able to provide enhancements that impact the direct needs of the association and our member leagues, but also allow for opportunities for specific customized opportunities that some of our leagues might benefit from. We would like to offer a cost-sharing opportunity to provide these special enhancements.

What is a cost-sharing opportunity? AJLI prepares the costs of the development work for the specific customization. Next, we poll leagues on Member Essentials Plus to see who would be interested in this customization. Based on league interest, we would provide the feature for an add-on cost. Only the leagues who pay for this add-on would be able to utilize the specific feature.

The first enhancement we would like to offer as a cost-share opportunity is eTickets. Please see below for a description of the feature. Please review the description and sample ticket and then complete this short survey to indicate whether your league is interested in this add-on opportunity. We will reach out to all interested leagues with costs, next steps and a timeline of the feature enhancement.

Please click here by April 26th if you are interested in Member Essentials eTickets!

Member Essentials - eTickets 
eTickets is a new Member Essentials feature allowing the generation, sale, and distribution of PDF tickets for large League events.   The ticket includes a QR code which can be scanned for validation at event entry.

  • The system will allow the League to create eTicket templates, including the ability to incorporate graphics.  This allows event branding and/or sponsorship graphics to be included on the ticket.   
  • New screens are included to track the sale and redemption of eTickets.  
  • The Junior League mobile app will include a new feature for the scanning of eTickets.  When scanned, the ticket will be validated and marked as redeemed (so it cannot be used more than once).   
  • A share feature will be included, allowing the eTicket purchaser to send the ticket to the person attending the event (if not the purchaser herself).   

Thank you!  We will be in touch after we receive the survey results.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.

All my best,



Senior Vice President, Operations


212.951.8357 www.ajli.org