This article will explain the definitions of each administrative access level. CRM Adminisrator 

To assign permissions, watch this video: Video - Assigning Permissions

Admin Access Levels



Administrator has the permissions of all other administrative access levels with the exception of Security Administrator. Administrators can manage member profiles, manage photos from the Photo Feed and create/assign positions.


Security Administrator 

Security Administrator is the only level that has the ability to grant or revoke the administrative access of another user's account. This is an add on to the full Administrator level.

My League Content 
Gives a user the ability to create new pages and modify existing ones in the Member Content tool in Member Management as well as add/edit News and Alerts.

Access Group Administrator

Access Group Administrators can add new access groups as well as configure existing access groups.

Accounting Reference Administrator
Accounting Reference Administrator can create accounting codes in Accounting Reference Configuration

Directory Administrator
Directory Administrator can view the admin view of the directory found by going to the admin area, then member search.

Dues Administrator

Dues Administrator to access the Dues configuration pages for your site. Enabled if VMS Dues or Stripe Dues feature is enabled in the Member Portal

E-mail Administrator

Email Administrators have permission to send mass emails via the mass email tool.

File Administrator 
This access level grants you the ability to add/edit/delete files in the newest version of our file manager.

Group Administrator

Group Administrators can access all GroupShare groups in their league

Form Administrator

Form Administrators can add/edit/delete forms in the system and also view and export form submission.


Form Administrator View

Those with Form Administrator View can view and export form submissions but can't edit the actual forms.

Hours Administrator

Hours Administrator allows this user to access and administer the hours tracking tool.

Intake Administrator
Intake Manager allows you to access Intake Manager and Entry Point Management pages to configure and manage the intake of new members into your system.

Local Position Assignment Administrator
Local Position Assignment Administrator will allow you to manage position assignments via the Position Assignment tool.

MailChimp Manager 

Grants access to the MailChimp Config, where Admins can set up the integration for MailChimp to sync to Member Essentials.

Matrix Administrator (coming soon)
Grants access to the Matrix, to pull custom reports.

Member Administrator
Member Administrator allows you to access the Admin Profile to actually make changes to things like contact information, status, position, etc. (By default, edit and delete are disabled for the position fragment. contact [email protected] if your League wants this access)

Member Administrator Confidential
Member Administrator Confidential allows you to view/edit the Confidential Notes and Confidential Documents fragments on the Admin Profile.

Member Administrator View

Member Viewer Administrators have access to view all member records. They cannot edit or make any changes member records.

Member Metric View Admin

Allows Admins access to the Membership Metrics Dashboard, where they can run analytics

Placement Matching Admin 
Gives administrators the ability to configure and manage the Placement Matching tool

Placement Matching Editor
Gives the Administrators ability to configure Placements in Placement Matching

Placement Matching Interviewer 
Only gives a user the ability to manage the interviews in the Placement Matching tool

Position Administrator
Position Administrator allows you to access the Position Manager to create and manage Positions, Position Groups, Correlations, and mass assign positions.

Query Administrator

Query administrator allows full access to the Query Tool in Member Management and the ability to run queries (ideal to have knowledge of SQL and the database structure)

Query View 
Only gives a user the ability to run queries. They cannot create new ones or modify existing ones.

Registration Administrator

Registration Administrators can access and update the Registration Tool, including adding and archiving new Registration Tools and events/shifts. They also can manage the attendees of events/shifts.

Requirements Administrator

Requirements Administrator allows you to manage and assign requirements in your system via the Requirements Manager.


Requirements  Administrator View
Allows you to view the Reports tab in Requirements with Requirements Administrator access.


Store Manager

Allows Admins access to the Simple Store, where they can create a store to sell items, collect fees or donation pages.

Stripe Administrator
Stripe Administrator can access the Stripe Admin page to view Transactions, Failed Renewals, Recurring payments and reconcile transactions.

Vendor Management Administrator
Allows access to Vendor Management. This is not included as part of the Administrator access.

AJLI Permission Admin
This is an AJLI specific access level. It allows the user to assign access levels in the AJLI League Admin Portal (or LAP).

AJLI League Profile Admin
This is an AJLI specific access level. It allows the user to update the League’s Profile, which is available from the League Admin Portal.

AJLI Dues Billing Admin
This is an AJLI specific access level. It allows the user to access the AJLI Dues Billing system, which is available from the League Admin Portal.

AJLI Transfer Admin
This is an AJLI specific access level. It allows the user to access the AJLI Transfer Management system, which is available from the League Admin Portal.