This article will walk through how to create accounting reference codes for Dues Add-Ons, Simple Store, Paid Events and Dues Listing.  Accounting Reference codes can help you reconcile the paid items with your accounting system. This enhancement will support Little Green Light integration.

Required Access:

You will need the Accounting Reference Administrator or Administrator administrative access level.

Where to Go:

  • From the Member Portal, go to Admin > Member Management 
  • Find Accounting Reference Configuration

Steps to be Taken:

  1. Click on the Add button to create a new accounting reference code.
  2. Enter the code you would like to use in Accounting Reference.  You can either define these, or use the accounting codes from your accounting system.   Here are examples. 
    • 0001-Member Dues
    • 0002-Donations
    • 0003-Event Sales
    • 0004-Product Sales
    • 0005-AJLI Dues 

  3. If you set Send to Donor Management to No, you can skip the rest of the fields and save the code.  This field should only be used if you are using the integration with Little Green Light. 

  4. If you set Send to Donor Management to Yes, all transactions configured with that accounting reference will be synced to Little Green Light as a gift.  This only applies if you have set up Little Green Light Integration. 

Fields for Little Green Light 

Take note, this will only apply to Leagues with the Little Green Light Integration.  All the fields described below are dropdowns that will populate values that have been defined in your Little Green Light donor management platform.  When a transaction is synced to Little Green Light as a gift, it will be tagged with the appropriate campaign, fund, event, etc. as defined in the accounting reference. 

  Reference: LGL Data Dictionary 

  1. Campaign - Name of campaign applied to the gift
  2. Fund - Name of fund applied to the gift

  3. Event - Name of event applied to the gift
  4. Acknowledgement Template - The mailing template to be used for acknowledging this gift.
  5. Gift Category - The gift/goal/pledge/in kind category name
  6. Gift Type - The type of gift. Can be Gift, In Kind, Pledge, or Other Income. Other values are: In Honor of, In Memory of, Soft Credit, Matching, or Installment. 

Archiving Accounting Reference Codes

  1. Under the Accounting Reference column, search for the code you would like to remove.
  2. Find the archive button or click on the 'X' to remove it from this list.
  3. If you would like to restore the code, click on the Include Archive button on the top right.  This will show archived codes.  Click on the Restore icon next to the code you would like to restore.