This article discusses how to configure GroupShare Groups through the Position Manager. GroupShare uses the structure in Position Manager to enable a Position Group and Committee in GroupShare. The Positions need to be correlated to the Position Group so that the Position will have access to the specific GroupShare. The advantage of this method is that a member's position is assigned to that position group and will automatically be given access to the GroupShare Groups it should have access to.

Required Access:

You will need Position Administrator or Administrator access.

Where to go:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Management
  2. Find Position Manager
  3. Click on the Position Groups tab

Steps to be taken:

  1. Search for the Position Groups you would like to set up or configure for GroupShare by using the search bar and Filter button.
  2. Next to the Position Group name, under the GroupShare column, choose Yes in the dropdown. It will take up to an hour to refresh.  Click the number in the Correlations column to confirm which Positions will have access to the Groupshare 
  3. The Position Group has been set up for GroupShare when you see the Refresh GroupShare button option available next to the Position Group under the Actions column.
  4. If you are still not seeing the Refresh GroupShare Group, try refreshing the page. Ctrl + R (Windows) or Cmd + R (Mac) 

  5. After an hour, the GroupShare group will show up on the list under My Groups of the Member Portal homepage. To check if this is fully configured, impersonate a member like the Membership Committee Chair. When you are in the impersonation mode, you should see the Membership Committee group. 


Configure Button (Optional)  

  1. Instead of using the dropdown under the Position Groups page, you also have the option to use the Configure button under the Actions column to make a Position Group a GroupShare group.
  2. On this page, under the GroupShare dropdown, choose Yes and click Submit. (Leave Enable Mass Assign and Access Group dropdown to Yes by default)

    Take note, when GroupShare is enabled for this Position Group, the Access Group dropdown is set to Yes by default. The Access Group has to be created for the GroupShare Group to be made available in the MY GROUPS link.

To watch the video tutorial: Video - Configuring Position Groups for GroupShare