Requirement credit based on attendance can be given through shifts/events/meeting within the Registration Tool. Credit can be configured at the Registration Tool level so it'll apply to all shifts/events/meetings within the tool.

If needed, you can override the credit given at the registration tool level by setting up the credit at the event level. For example, if you have a Meetings calendar that gives one credit per meeting, you can set this up at the registration tool level. Then, if you have a special meeting that gives double credit, within the individual meeting setup, you can customize the credit given for just that shift/event/meeting.


Required access:

You will need the Registration Administrator access level.

How to get there:

  • Go to Admin Member Management
  • Select Registration Tool Manager

Steps to be taken to set up credit at the registration tool level:

  1. Click Setup next to the Registration Tool
  2. Go to Advanced - Requirements
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the Requirement Credit Type that should be given
  4. Enter the Amount of credit they should receive per shift/event/meeting they attend within the registration tool
  5. Click Add Credit
  6. Save
  7. When people are marked as Attended for shifts/events/meetings within the registration tool, they will receive the requirement credit for the period span they attended the registration within

Steps to be taken to set up credit at the individual shift/event/meeting level:

  1. Click Manage next to the Registration Tool
  2. Click Add Registration Event if you are adding a new shift/event/meeting (or Edit to edit an existing one)
  3. Go to Advanced - Requirements (This will override the registration tool setting)
  4. Use the dropdown menu to select the Requirement Credit Type that should be given
  5. Enter the Amount of credit they should receive per shift/event/meeting they attend within the registration tool
  6. Click Add Credit
  7. Save

How to Remove Credits:

  1. Choose the name of the requirement you would like to remove in the Type dropdown.
  2. In the Amount, enter -1 
  3. Click Add Credit and save your event.

This will subtract the credit from this event.

Overriding Requirements at the shift/event/meeting level:

Take note, the Override Hours on the Attendance page of a shift/event/meeting does not override credits in Requirements. To adjust a Member's credits based on attendance, please see See How to Manually Fulfill Requirements Individually Per Member, where you can manually fulfill the requirement credit through the Admin Profile.  

Alternatively, you can set up Advanced - Requirements at the event level. The requirements at the event level will override any requirements from the registration tool.